Has been a lifestyle blog that chronicles the life, times and musings of Rochelle.
It's still that. It's so much more though. I want you to first, go visit all of my social media platforms to keep up with me. That means hit those polygon side bar items over there ----->
Now, let me explain what all of these features are.
Stating whether or not things are appropriate is one of my favorite things to do! #Appropriate #NotAppropriate I'm going to cover etiquette manners and goodness knows what else. I'm simply going to state "That's appropriate" or "That is not appropriate". For instance, if you invite my child to a party at Show Biz or whatever it's called, and I have to buy him his own tokens...That is not appropriate. You see?

If you browse through the annals of this blog you will most certainly chance upon a rant or two. I rather enjoy expressing myself via a good old fashioned rant. Well, this feature is all about that. Whatever the case may be, it's going to be my reality...and my take on it. For instance: I'm all for opening our borders to those who wish to come to America to build a better life for themselves. Nothing wrong with that. BUT...what I do have a problem with is you calling yourself Linda, when your name is Bina Patel and I can't understand ANYTHING that you're saying! Why on EARTH would you take a job speaking to American people about returns at Office Max if you can't speak English correctly! Hot damn!
Some of these rants and "Realness" will be via video. So, hop on over to the YouTube channel and subscribe in advance. Shout out to my friend, NeShanta of www.styleisshe.com for giving me this name of this feature!
I have a house with empty walls. It' void of decoration but, full of love. It just so happens that I enjoy a good D.I.Y. (Do it Yourself) project. So, this feature is going to cover me making D.I.Y. projects for not only your home but, for holidays and other occasions as well.
This feature is all about me sharing my love of cooking for my family. I'm a pescatarian so, a lot of the dishes that I make will have a pescatarian spin on them but, don't let that turn you off! There is still plenty of goodness to share!
So, that's it you all! I appreciate you stopping by and checking me out as I reinvent this space once again. I hope that you all stay with me on this journey. It's going to be one hell of a ride damn it!