
Monday, August 20, 2012

Manor Managing: So much grass and sh*t!

Hey Rose Heads!   When we were searching for a house to buy, I looked at our house for about three months.  I knew it was the "one".  Two things piqued my interest with this home.  1.  The floor plan and 2.  The lush vegetation...

This doesn't even BEGIN to show all the yard!

Now, let's pause on #2 for a minute.  I love trees.  So many homes (in metro Atlanta anyway) are in subdivisions with little or no trees!  That shh cray (in my Kanye West voice)!  So, I craved a heavily wooded area to live in/around.  Well I got it and all the landscaping wonderfulness that accompanies it!  I never thought about how much work it would take to get this yard in good shape and keep it that way.  We are starting from square one.  There are unkempt islands around the oak trees in the yard (there are five very large ones...trees, not islands), a lot of hedges, monkey grass and large patches where runoff has virtually eliminated the grass.  Sigh...there's just so much grass and sh*t!

So, this weekend we bought all kinds of yard goodies like a spaded shovel (to dig up the HORRIBLE cactus in the front...who plants a cactus in Georgia?  WTF!), Round-Up for the weeds, shears, a nice heavy duty rake, etc.  I IMMEDIATELY went to work!  I mean...straight up...our yard is the bastard child of the neighborhood.  I'm light weight embarassed by it.

These are the hedges that line the sidewalk.  They're right under our bedroom window.  They had grown UP the doggone side of the house and into the walk way.  I trimmed those bad boys!

I had to rake all this up and bag it.  But, they look much better now!

So, needless to say, I have a sh*t ton of yard work to do but, I'm proud that we're doing it ourselves and it means so much to me to even have a yard to work in!

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