Hi there Rose Heads! I want to let you all know that starting tomorrow, I'm kicking off MOTHERING WEEK here at WRSS! I'm going to be doing a week of posts about how to navigate the waters of motherhood in the 21st century.
I'm going to cover topics such as: "Nobody told me that...", "ME time is THE time" and "What Kind of Mama are You?"...and more of course! Stop by tomorrow morning at 9am for the first post! I'm going to have a special give away for the new mommies too!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Why Being GREEK was Sooo Important to me!
When I was a little girl and my mom and her friends or our family members would have a talk about Greek organizations (meaning NPHC Greeks), they always mentioned Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta. They would talk about the normal stereotypes like AKA's are all pretty and sophisticated and DST's are all more outgoing and bold. We all know that there are no stereotypes but, I just wanted to touch on the fact that they exist. It wasn't until I got ready to go to college that I even realized Zeta Phi Beta and Sigma Gamma Rho even existed! I mean, I don't think I even saw any ZPB or SGRho paraphernalia on people or their cars and if I did...I didn't know what it was.
Well...we all know what they say about the best laid plans! I was invited to pledge...didn't have the money. Ended up getting into a big fight with some of the ladies over a whole bunch of random stuff and that was that...
In 2008 I was looking for a group to be involved with. I couldn't become a Zeta because I hadn't earned my Bachelor's Degree yet. Even though I was going to school on-line, turns out you can't go through the intake process unless you're at a brick and mortar University. While searching online, I found Gamma Phi Delta. GPD is a business and professional sorority started by two sisters that wanted to give women that were business professionals, had associates degrees, etc. to have a chance to be part of a Greek Lettered organization. I was impressed by that. I joined GPD and I felt empowered, I felt a part of something and I felt proud. I was an undergrad advisor but, I wasn't a good one because I was too harsh...too emotionally involved and too much of a stickler for the rules. I fell out with most of the ladies in my chapter for an assortment of reasons and I became inactive. I even tried to start my own chapter because I didn't like the way the established one was being run. Let me say though...I gained some VALUABLE friendships out of that experience.
My grandmother belonged to several civic and cultural organizations and she would take me with her to their meetings and events whenever I visited her in Birmingham, AL. I loved it! Those ladies were classy, sassy, involved, creative and polished. They learned new things together. They served their communities and they had an air of class and sophistication about them that made me want to "be just like them" when I grew up.
When I got to college, I was enamored by the line jackets, the popularity and the allure of being a member of the Black Greek community. I was largely ignorant of the process so, I attended a SGRho mixer and even performed in a DST Talent Show (had no clue it was really for interested ladies...lol). In the meanwhile, I became active on campus with the NAACP and set my sights on uplifting my people! In my mind, I was channeling my inner Granny. I had researched ZPB and had set my sights on them. I attended a "Kitty Cat Chat" and fell in love with the unique bond the ladies had. I was determined to be included. Determined to be a part.
Well...we all know what they say about the best laid plans! I was invited to pledge...didn't have the money. Ended up getting into a big fight with some of the ladies over a whole bunch of random stuff and that was that...
In 2008 I was looking for a group to be involved with. I couldn't become a Zeta because I hadn't earned my Bachelor's Degree yet. Even though I was going to school on-line, turns out you can't go through the intake process unless you're at a brick and mortar University. While searching online, I found Gamma Phi Delta. GPD is a business and professional sorority started by two sisters that wanted to give women that were business professionals, had associates degrees, etc. to have a chance to be part of a Greek Lettered organization. I was impressed by that. I joined GPD and I felt empowered, I felt a part of something and I felt proud. I was an undergrad advisor but, I wasn't a good one because I was too harsh...too emotionally involved and too much of a stickler for the rules. I fell out with most of the ladies in my chapter for an assortment of reasons and I became inactive. I even tried to start my own chapter because I didn't like the way the established one was being run. Let me say though...I gained some VALUABLE friendships out of that experience.
But now, years later...I thought about WHY being Greek, more specifically a NPHC Greek was so important to me.
I think Greek life symbolized acceptance and being included no matter what. I loved the pageantry, the history and the prowess that came along with those letters. I thought it would validate me and in some ways legitimize me to peers.
I respect those organizations. I love what they stand for and I appreciate where they're trying to go.
If I'm going to wear some letters again, it's going to be because I'm strong enough to represent what the founders intended and I'm ready to WORK; not because I'm so weak that the letters make me into something and someone that I don't like when I look in the mirror.
Cabinet Soup...Not soup from the can!
What's going on lovely Rose Heads! Now that it's getting a little chilly, I found myself in need of some comfort...comfort food that is! Everyone knows there is nothing quite as soothing as a hearty soup! Now, I don't eat meat so, if you're looking for a chicken, beef, oink-oink soup...not gonna find it here! LOL! BUT...I did make an awesome veggie soup from ingredients that I had just laying around the kitchen.
Ingredients List:
3 medium sized potatoes (I left the skin on two of them)
1 bag of frozen corn
1 bag of frozen green beans
1 can of chick peas (garbanzo beans)
1 can of black beans
1 can of butter beans
1 can of diced tomatoes
Maggi Chicken Bouillon (Instant)
Curry Powder
Garlic Powder
Wiley's Bean and Pea Seasoning
Okay now, y'all don't hold me to any measurements! I don't measure anything. I'm going to use language like: a dash, a pinch, a lot, a little, about a (insert word here) and kinda. I'm sorry y'all. I'm not a recipe cook. I cook from the heart and that's about it.
Okay so, I used my double boiler (without the double) and filled it a quarter of the way full of water.
Ingredients List:
3 medium sized potatoes (I left the skin on two of them)
1 bag of frozen corn
1 bag of frozen green beans
1 can of chick peas (garbanzo beans)
1 can of black beans
1 can of butter beans
1 can of diced tomatoes
Maggi Chicken Bouillon (Instant)
Curry Powder
Garlic Powder
Wiley's Bean and Pea Seasoning
Okay now, y'all don't hold me to any measurements! I don't measure anything. I'm going to use language like: a dash, a pinch, a lot, a little, about a (insert word here) and kinda. I'm sorry y'all. I'm not a recipe cook. I cook from the heart and that's about it.
Okay so, I used my double boiler (without the double) and filled it a quarter of the way full of water.
Next I added the seasoning to make a broth. Because remember, I wasn't going to the store. This soup was made solely out of things I had already. I added about an actual tea spoon worth of Maggi Chicken Bouillon. I added about four dashes of garlic powder. Four dashes of Curry powder and two dashes of Basil.
As you can see below, that created a nice broth. You have to adjust seasonings according to personal taste. I cooked that on medium heat for about 5 minutes.
![]() |
Next, I washed and cut three medium sized potatoes. I left the skin on two because I love the taste. I don't think it's a deal breaker if you skin them all.
Next, I added the potatoes, green beans and corn into the broth. I left them to cook for about 15 minutes.
After I let the potatoes, green beans and corn cook, I added the tomatoes (don't drain them), the black beans (don't drain them), the garbanzo and butter beans (DRAIN them)!
This is how it should all look when you're done with that step.
Your final step would be to add in a packet of Wiley's Beans & Peas Seasoning! My mother in love turned me on to this stuff and it is GOOD IN MY SOUL! Woah lord!
Alright Rose Heads! Take this Hodge podge of a recipe and do your thing!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Fall 'Fit...Men's Wear...Don't Care!
Hey Rose Heads! Let me tell you something...all I need is a piece of some chilly weather to come around and I'm putting on the tights, jackets and scarves! I hate to be cold! It's not fun! So, when I woke up yesterday and there was a cold snap in the air, I knew it was time to layer up!
I bought this tweed blazer with the suede lapel and elbow patches in July at a Value Village near my house. It was $3.50! I didn't care that it was a man's blazer because I knew that men's wear was trending and even if it wasn't...the blazer is off the chain cool!
I bought this tweed blazer with the suede lapel and elbow patches in July at a Value Village near my house. It was $3.50! I didn't care that it was a man's blazer because I knew that men's wear was trending and even if it wasn't...the blazer is off the chain cool!
I bought this dress from Target on clearance about four years ago!
The belt is from New York and Company...it was a red line for $5.00. Can't beat that deal with eleven sticks!
Those blue earrings give me life enough to kill me and then, bring me back again!
I bought these shoes from Target for $29.00 and they are so comfy and on trend! I love them!
'Fit Facts:
Tweed and suede Blazer - Thrifted
Tribal print Dress - Target (old)
Tights - Target (last season)
Earrings - Thrifted
Belt - New York and Company
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Are You READY for the Truth?
Are you ready for the truth? Are you ready to tell your girlfriend that she is a little too flirty or tell your mother that she's smothering you? Truth...it's THAT very thing that keeps us away from a lot of what we say we want out of relationships with our significant others...and our friends.
Telling the "honest to goodness" truth is one of THE hardest things to do. Now, some of you are sitting in front of your screen, reading this and saying to yourself that you're always honest. You never lie outright nor by omission. I would like to remind you of your mortality and ask you to be honest with yourself before you continue reading this post...or it will just be a waste of your time.
Let me elaborate. I'm not suggesting that you become reckless and tactless with the truth. I'm merely suggesting that you be as honest with those around you as you possibly can be...even to the point of discomfort. When you're THAT honest, you'll discover one of two things. Either the person/people accept, appreciate and love you for who and what you are or...they don't.
It's cliche but, the truth does free you. How many of you have a man that has never seen you without make-up, weave, nails, etc? How many of you talk about your friends behind their backs because you don't want to offend them by telling them the truth to their faces? Booo on that! Booo! At the end of the day, you're just hiding. Come out into the light and enjoy life with your truth flag flying high.
Do I lie? Hell yeah, I lie. But, I realize that a lot of my mistakes and set backs have come from not saying how I felt, not being honest with myself or those that I love.
Here are some of my tough truths that I had to come to grips with:
1. I am a plus size woman. I wish I wasn't. But, the truth is I'm lazy and I procrastinate when it comes to exercise.
2. I have hair on my chin. Other people can see it. It's embarrassing. Truth is: it comes from PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)...a weight related female issue with the ovaries and all that jazz. Yes, I know about laser hair removal...not the point here.
3. I have always wondered why my husband, who in my opinion is very handsome, would select me. I always felt like he could pull a chick that was doing it way more than me. As a result, I'm insecure when we're in public because I'm assuming that other people are thinking the same thing. Truth is, I never got over being the dark skinned girl who watched her light skinned peers be fawned over by all the boys.
4. I'm scared that people are going to think that I'm not smart so, I try to learn as much as I can so that I'm never caught looking like the dumb chick. Truth is: I want to be viewed as an intelligent woman and not being viewed that way scares me.
5. I'm not a Christian. It is awkward and uncomfortable to have to justify to people why I'm not one and why I'm not raising my son to be one. I think that he should grow up and figure out his faith. If I tell him what to believe in, that in my opinion is not true faith. Truth is: being raised as a Christian and living in the Bible Belt put a bad taste in my mouth for religion. Not to mention the religious studies course I took in undergrad...my eyes are open to a lot.
6. I'm an Admin not because that's all I'm capable of doing but, because I had a plan to complete my Education degree and teach - and this job was low key enough for me to do that and work full time. Now that I'm not going to teach...I feel like people look down on me for what I do. Truth is: I have another plan. But, I must admit my corporate safety net feels great.
I hope my honesty can help you find and accept your own truths.
Telling the "honest to goodness" truth is one of THE hardest things to do. Now, some of you are sitting in front of your screen, reading this and saying to yourself that you're always honest. You never lie outright nor by omission. I would like to remind you of your mortality and ask you to be honest with yourself before you continue reading this post...or it will just be a waste of your time.
Let me elaborate. I'm not suggesting that you become reckless and tactless with the truth. I'm merely suggesting that you be as honest with those around you as you possibly can be...even to the point of discomfort. When you're THAT honest, you'll discover one of two things. Either the person/people accept, appreciate and love you for who and what you are or...they don't.
It's cliche but, the truth does free you. How many of you have a man that has never seen you without make-up, weave, nails, etc? How many of you talk about your friends behind their backs because you don't want to offend them by telling them the truth to their faces? Booo on that! Booo! At the end of the day, you're just hiding. Come out into the light and enjoy life with your truth flag flying high.
Do I lie? Hell yeah, I lie. But, I realize that a lot of my mistakes and set backs have come from not saying how I felt, not being honest with myself or those that I love.
Here are some of my tough truths that I had to come to grips with:
1. I am a plus size woman. I wish I wasn't. But, the truth is I'm lazy and I procrastinate when it comes to exercise.
2. I have hair on my chin. Other people can see it. It's embarrassing. Truth is: it comes from PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)...a weight related female issue with the ovaries and all that jazz. Yes, I know about laser hair removal...not the point here.
3. I have always wondered why my husband, who in my opinion is very handsome, would select me. I always felt like he could pull a chick that was doing it way more than me. As a result, I'm insecure when we're in public because I'm assuming that other people are thinking the same thing. Truth is, I never got over being the dark skinned girl who watched her light skinned peers be fawned over by all the boys.
4. I'm scared that people are going to think that I'm not smart so, I try to learn as much as I can so that I'm never caught looking like the dumb chick. Truth is: I want to be viewed as an intelligent woman and not being viewed that way scares me.
5. I'm not a Christian. It is awkward and uncomfortable to have to justify to people why I'm not one and why I'm not raising my son to be one. I think that he should grow up and figure out his faith. If I tell him what to believe in, that in my opinion is not true faith. Truth is: being raised as a Christian and living in the Bible Belt put a bad taste in my mouth for religion. Not to mention the religious studies course I took in undergrad...my eyes are open to a lot.
6. I'm an Admin not because that's all I'm capable of doing but, because I had a plan to complete my Education degree and teach - and this job was low key enough for me to do that and work full time. Now that I'm not going to teach...I feel like people look down on me for what I do. Truth is: I have another plan. But, I must admit my corporate safety net feels great.
I hope my honesty can help you find and accept your own truths.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thrifting with xKLusive...on a PARTY BUS!!!
Hey there Rose Heads! On Saturday, I went thrifting on a PARTY BUS with xKLusive by Tiana. I'm going to review my entire experience with you all! I was excited about this little trip for two reasons, first, I wanted to go thrifting with my friends and enjoy not having to drive and second, I raffled off some cards from my handmade card business Two Tears in my Bucket!
When we got on the bus and it was so roomy and comfortable! I was truly surprised. Check it out!
When we got on the bus and it was so roomy and comfortable! I was truly surprised. Check it out!
As soon as we got on the bus, we got our xKLusive wrist bands that let the shop owners know we were with the group and needed our DISCOUNT! :)
Everyone on the bus was so friendly! We enjoyed mimosas, ice breakers and raffles! Some of the raffles were from: Never Dessert You, Two Tears in my Bucket, xKLusive by Tiana, Trendi Confessions and so much more! It was great.
The first store we went to was SACK'S Thrift Avenue (is that not THE cutest name of your life?). I loved it! It was so organized and had both high and low end items. Our group discount there was 20% and they also had pastries, coffee, OJ and bagels waiting for us. I got three blouses and a belt there. I spent $7.50.
The next store we went to was the Junior League of Atlanta's Nearly New Thrift Shop. Our discount at this store was 15%. I got one blouse. I forgot to take a photo y'all my bad BUT...the blouse is short sleeved, it has a gold shell applique on the pocket and gold shell buttons. Cuteness. My friend got a vintage Neiman Marcus party dress there. Fab store. I spent $5.50 here.

The last store we went to was Back by Popular Demand. This is the same store we went to a couple of weeks ago for the $1.00 consignment sale. It has a lot of nice items including a great formal wear section. I bought one blouse here. Spent $7.25.
Afterwards, we were all tired and ready to eat so, we ate at a Mexican restaurant for more laughs and good times. I will DEFINITELY be doing part two next month on the 20th! Here is the flyer:

Friday, September 21, 2012
I Can't Be THAT kind of Blogger...
Alright. I admit it. I'm a Blog Stalker. I'm talking die hard, creeping in the blog shadows, secretly living vicariously through other folk's bloggy lives, reading a million posts, commenting on like two...stalker. Yep, that's me.
But, here's the thing...In all of my stalking I realized that I have been feeling bad about not being the kind of blogger that attends networking events, hosts parties, has a million cool friends that all agree on their collective coolness and looks FAB like all day errry day. That ain't me y'all. That's NEVER going to be me!
PAUSE: Okay, I did go to one event that I heard about on the "Two Stylish Kays" blog. I actually met Keren and she was super sweet. I wanted to connect more and have more of a convo but, I was scared man. I got a pic though! LOL!
Okay, press PLAY: Let me tell you why I have event phobia....(You know there's a list coming right?...don't act like that! You know how I do!)
1. I work a full-time job.
By the time I get to work and finish work and commute...I'm spent. I don't have the energy to go out to a mall, restaurant or boutique talkin' 'bout some daggone "networking". Basically, I'm scared.
2. My family comes first.
All joking aside, I can't be away from my guys all day and then, turn around and sacrifice the few hours after work/daycare we have with each other just to "be seen" and hobknob with folks. Well, maybe once in a while. This is for real, for real...but, Basically, I'm scared.
3. I ain't got no money mannnnn!
Gas is precious like gold these days. Even though I have a pretty gas efficient vehicle, we still have to conserve. Additionally, who can go out of the house and not eat, or purchase a thing or three? My money is fun-nay! And plus...I'm scared!
4. I'm shy...'nah mean?
I'm shy! I don't know what these folks are going to say or think of me when I show up in my $15.00 outfit...INCLUDING THE SHOES. And I don't want to hear that "you shouldn't care what others think stuff" because I can't help it...I do. See man...that's why I'm scared!
5. I'm stuck between two blog worlds.
On the one hand, I have this blog which is all about me, my family, our home and whatever miscellaneous things I decide to discuss. On the other foot (lol)...I have a crafting blog which is all about my paper crafting. These two groups of people are extremely different. Crafters are so open and accepting. There are always crops and blog hops and so much togetherness. Lifestyle/Fashion/Hair and Beauty bloggers are savvy and know how to work their blogs for that moola. I don't really feel I "fit" anywhere...sigh. I'm scared damn it!
So, my hat goes off to all these fly ladies out there networking, making moves and creating their brands. I think I'm going to go slow and just let this blog carry me where ever I'm supposed to go. I think my voice has a place in this blog world now my entire self at some event...I don't know 'bout all that!
But, here's the thing...In all of my stalking I realized that I have been feeling bad about not being the kind of blogger that attends networking events, hosts parties, has a million cool friends that all agree on their collective coolness and looks FAB like all day errry day. That ain't me y'all. That's NEVER going to be me!
PAUSE: Okay, I did go to one event that I heard about on the "Two Stylish Kays" blog. I actually met Keren and she was super sweet. I wanted to connect more and have more of a convo but, I was scared man. I got a pic though! LOL!
Okay, press PLAY: Let me tell you why I have event phobia....(You know there's a list coming right?...don't act like that! You know how I do!)
1. I work a full-time job.
By the time I get to work and finish work and commute...I'm spent. I don't have the energy to go out to a mall, restaurant or boutique talkin' 'bout some daggone "networking". Basically, I'm scared.
2. My family comes first.
All joking aside, I can't be away from my guys all day and then, turn around and sacrifice the few hours after work/daycare we have with each other just to "be seen" and hobknob with folks. Well, maybe once in a while. This is for real, for real...but, Basically, I'm scared.
3. I ain't got no money mannnnn!
Gas is precious like gold these days. Even though I have a pretty gas efficient vehicle, we still have to conserve. Additionally, who can go out of the house and not eat, or purchase a thing or three? My money is fun-nay! And plus...I'm scared!
4. I'm shy...'nah mean?
I'm shy! I don't know what these folks are going to say or think of me when I show up in my $15.00 outfit...INCLUDING THE SHOES. And I don't want to hear that "you shouldn't care what others think stuff" because I can't help it...I do. See man...that's why I'm scared!
5. I'm stuck between two blog worlds.
On the one hand, I have this blog which is all about me, my family, our home and whatever miscellaneous things I decide to discuss. On the other foot (lol)...I have a crafting blog which is all about my paper crafting. These two groups of people are extremely different. Crafters are so open and accepting. There are always crops and blog hops and so much togetherness. Lifestyle/Fashion/Hair and Beauty bloggers are savvy and know how to work their blogs for that moola. I don't really feel I "fit" anywhere...sigh. I'm scared damn it!
So, my hat goes off to all these fly ladies out there networking, making moves and creating their brands. I think I'm going to go slow and just let this blog carry me where ever I'm supposed to go. I think my voice has a place in this blog world now my entire self at some event...I don't know 'bout all that!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Some OOTD's...
Hey Rose Heads! I haven't been posting too many outfit pics on here lately. The main reason is because I'm busy y'all. I forget! I mean, I take pictures with my phone and Instagram daily but, as far as true outfit posts...I need to do better. So, here are some pieces of what I've been wearing lately.
Have y'all ever shopped at an online thrift store? Well, you should damn it! I bought this FIERCE blazer from ReINstated and I received a plethora, ney, a DELUGE of compliments on it! Check it out...
Have y'all ever shopped at an online thrift store? Well, you should damn it! I bought this FIERCE blazer from ReINstated and I received a plethora, ney, a DELUGE of compliments on it! Check it out...
The blouse is from Old Navy and it is O.L.D.! I got it like four or five years ago. The slacks are from New York and Company. They have the best pant sales of all time. The shoes are from NY&Co too!
Now, this outfit below is a fave because I got that blouse for FOUR QUARTERS! *Boom* I got it from the Back by Popular Demand $1 Consignment sale (P.S. those ladies were off the damn chain at that thing!) The dress underneath is from H&M. It was $12.00 I think. I got it a couple of years ago.
The shoes are Gianni Binni from Dillard's. Y'all already know how I feel about the GB! Welp, those are my two fave 'fits from the past two weeks.
I'm making a vow to be better about taking WHOLE outfit photos to share with you all. My bad, my bust, my fault!
Enjoy the rest of your week y'all!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Babies NEED Boobies
Did you read that title post correctly? Yep, you did. Babies need boobies y'all! I'm talking BREAST MILK! I don't know how many times I got teased and even ridiculed for breast feeding Picard for 19 months. Yes, he had teeth, yes he was walking and NO...none of that matters! I was doing what was best for MY child.
What's so crazy is, folks used to look at me all ignorant in public but, breastfeeding is NATURAL and we shouldn't condition society to look at it as gross or inappropriate! That gets on my last coo-coo hair! (Yep, I said that) I never whipped out a boob for the world to see, I used my cover but, if I did...SO WHAT! I'm feeding a baby...not making porn!
Argh! I digress...
There were several pros for breast feeding him:
Now, everything has a down side. It wouldn't be fair to insinuate that there were no cons. Of course there were!:
Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant.
So, if you're pregnant and you're considering NOT breastfeeding your child, I understand and I respect your choice. However, please READ and EDUCATE yourself. Don't decide against it for superficial reasons that have nothing to do with the overall health and well being of your child.
I implore you.
What's so crazy is, folks used to look at me all ignorant in public but, breastfeeding is NATURAL and we shouldn't condition society to look at it as gross or inappropriate! That gets on my last coo-coo hair! (Yep, I said that) I never whipped out a boob for the world to see, I used my cover but, if I did...SO WHAT! I'm feeding a baby...not making porn!
Argh! I digress...
There were several pros for breast feeding him:
- It helped us to bond. As soon as he was born, I latched him and started feeding him.
- It helped usher me back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
- It helped Picard fend off some yucky bacteria and diseases.
- It saved us A TON of money.
- It ensured he was receiving all the nutrients he needed.
- It made me eat well so that he could continue to get the nutrients he needed.
- It soothed and calmed him.
Now, everything has a down side. It wouldn't be fair to insinuate that there were no cons. Of course there were!:
- I had to pump and freeze milk.
- I had to clean my pump.
- He was so attached to me, that often times, he didn't want a bottle.
- My boobs leaked.
Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant.
So, if you're pregnant and you're considering NOT breastfeeding your child, I understand and I respect your choice. However, please READ and EDUCATE yourself. Don't decide against it for superficial reasons that have nothing to do with the overall health and well being of your child.
I implore you.
I ran a MARATHON...Okay, okay...I walk/jogged a 5K
Hello my lovely, gorgeous, sexy, vivacious, intelligent and classy ROSE HEADS! How are you all? I hope you're feeling lovely today!
Listen, I know the mark of a good blogger is consistency. You can be a consistent hot mess, goddess, jerk face or fashion plate but, consistency is key. Soooo...in that regard...I suck. But, I'm endeavoring to make it up to you. I want to catch you up on what's been going on!
Can you guys believe I walk/jogged my way through my first 5K! Let me tell you...I don't think I have EVER, EVA, EVA sweat that much in my LIFE! The race was sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. They used the proceeds to support different organizations like the Atlanta Food Bank and Back on my Feet. Last count I heard, there were 16,000 walkers and joggers My company had a small team and we all worked it out!
My finish time was 1hour and 40 seconds. BUT...I know it was less than that because it literally took me 15 minutes to be able to move and break away from everyone!
Listen, I know the mark of a good blogger is consistency. You can be a consistent hot mess, goddess, jerk face or fashion plate but, consistency is key. Soooo...in that regard...I suck. But, I'm endeavoring to make it up to you. I want to catch you up on what's been going on!
Can you guys believe I walk/jogged my way through my first 5K! Let me tell you...I don't think I have EVER, EVA, EVA sweat that much in my LIFE! The race was sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. They used the proceeds to support different organizations like the Atlanta Food Bank and Back on my Feet. Last count I heard, there were 16,000 walkers and joggers My company had a small team and we all worked it out!
My finish time was 1hour and 40 seconds. BUT...I know it was less than that because it literally took me 15 minutes to be able to move and break away from everyone!
So, this was me before the race. Cute, and itching to get started!
The team shirt was designed by a guy in my office who I have affectionately dubbed "Young Jereme". He's 24 and he is a great young architect and graphic designer. He ran circles around me during the race too! It was quite funny. Oh to be 24 again!
As you can see, this was no joke...it was a full on PAR-TAY up and through there! Companies had their tents, refreshments, entertainment and so much more! It was good to see so many people letting their hair down and working together for a good cause.
One of the things that made this race so much fun was to participate with my co-workers. When you're in the office all the time, you tend to forget that these are real people with real lives. These kinds of activities help you to appreciate and bond with your co-workers.
Okay, so, yeah...I don't like being around so many damn people and there was NOTHING BUT people! I was having a moment! But, this is a shot of all the walkers lining up to get started.
When the Olympics was here in Atlanta in 1996, these rings were erected next to the torch. They're a symbol of that time in my beloved city's history. It felt good to be starting my first 5K underneath them.
This is half way through the race. I was hot as hell! BUT...motivated. I was power walking and jogging like I was going to get a million dollars at the finish line!
The sky was so pretty. It was just confirmation that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing that day. Creating a bond between exercise and my soul.
Smiling 'cause I'm almost there! Hot, tired, worn out but, proud of myself and happy!
This is me finishing. I.DID.IT! I was overjoyed and elated that I had pushed myself towards a goal and accomplished it. Thank Moses, Vishnu and Jesus that I made it.
Now...I'm motivated. Boom.
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