
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Babies NEED Boobies

Did you read that title post correctly?  Yep, you did. Babies need boobies y'all!  I'm talking BREAST MILK!  I don't know how many times I got teased and even ridiculed for breast feeding Picard for 19 months.  Yes, he had teeth, yes he was walking and NO...none of that matters!  I was doing what was best for MY child.

What's so crazy is, folks used to look at me all ignorant in public but, breastfeeding is NATURAL and we shouldn't condition society to look at it as gross or inappropriate!  That gets on my last coo-coo hair! (Yep, I said that)  I never whipped out a boob for the world to see, I used my cover but, if I did...SO WHAT!  I'm feeding a baby...not making porn! 

Argh!  I digress...

There were several pros for breast feeding him:
  • It helped us to bond.  As soon as he was born, I latched him and started feeding him.
  • It helped usher me back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • It helped Picard fend off some yucky bacteria and diseases.
  • It saved us A TON of money.
  • It ensured he was receiving all the nutrients he needed.
  • It made me eat well so that he could continue to get the nutrients he needed.
  • It soothed and calmed him.

Now, everything has a down side. It wouldn't be fair to insinuate that there were no cons.  Of course there were!:
  • I had to pump and freeze milk.
  • I had to clean my pump.
  • He was so attached to me, that often times, he didn't want a bottle.
  • My boobs leaked.
 For you people that need research based validation here you go straight from the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics):
Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant.

So, if you're pregnant and you're considering NOT breastfeeding your child, I understand and I respect your choice.  However, please READ and EDUCATE yourself.  Don't decide against it for superficial reasons that have nothing to do with the overall health and well being of your child.

I implore you.


  1. This is a great post. Most mom's don't realize breast milk is best, natural and way better than formula. I second this notion!

  2. Fabulous! I breastfed both my girls for 16 months and 15 months. They stopped at that point themselves, I did not choose the timing. I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, here in Australia it seems many of the younger generation are of the opinion that breastfeeding in public is "disgusting", and many either don't start or stop within a couple of months. It's sad. I hope my girls grow up with some deep memory of the comfort and beauty of their own breastfeeding experience and pass it on to their own children. That photo is wonderful!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!