
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The only thing I have to do is stay Black and Die...

I don't watch television as much as I did when I was a girl.  Back then, I was carefree, bill free and virtually innocent to the ills and demands of society.  As much as I would have liked to pretend that I was deeply  immersed in popular culture, I realize now as an adult that I wasn't.  My mother kept me blissfully ignorant to many things.  For that I am grateful.  I appreciate my slow integration into real life. 

I digress.

I don't watch television much.  When I do, I'm usually, watching Hulu trying to catch up on this show or that show.  So, largely again, I am very much like my 12 year old self.  Living blissfully in my own world, unaffected by the advertisers clamoring for my dollars, wedding shows that create a thirst for a wedding do-over and clothing commercials that make me want to switch from being pescetarian to a liquidtarian to fit into the newest, shortest or tightest thing they've come out with. 

BUT...then I woke up...

I am not affected by television programming but, I'm extremely affected by social media.  Which is the reason why I haven't been posting here lately.  I got overwhelmed and I needed to back up off of it and sit my cup down (if you don't know that line...go stand in the corner).  I was feeling so inadequate.  I felt like my photos weren't good enough, my outfits werent' good enough, my blog design wasn't good enough.  Uh uh!  Too much!  I refuse to obsess over a doggone blog!  I thought I HAD to do certain things in order to be a legit blogger.  Reality is, the only two things in life that I MUST DO are: to stay Black and to die.  That's it.

So, I'm back.  I'm over Google Analytics, Followers, Likes, Tweets, Friends and Fans.  If you like this blog, you'll read it.  If you don't, cool. 

I'm not seeking star-dumb.  I'm seeking creative freedom.

Boom and Shaka Locka.


  1. *wildly handclasps* Word! Team Stay Black & Die.

  2. LOL! I absolutely love it. The facial expressions just top it off. HA!

  3. Amen.

    I, too, can sometimes get overwhelmed by the stresses of social media & blogging. But then I have to take a step back & remember at the end of the day.. it's just a blog.

    Continue to blog for you. Let this be your creative outlet. Screw everyone else.


  4. Girl get your life. You are amazing and all you have to do is stay black, die and be you. Because who you are is some kind of awesome. Loved you from our first hang out because you rock. I still feel that way sometimes but I get over it and stay with it. It will get better.

  5. Rochelle, I had an enforced holiday these last few weeks due to computer explosion (dead PSU) and the demands of the end-of-year stuff for my kids. It was kind of liberating! Your photos in this post gave me a good giggle, thank-you! You don't have to do anything in particular to be fabulous in my eyes - and your outfits are lightyears ahead of mine, always! ;-)

  6. Preach Darlin! I love your blog and each time I read it I get more motivation to start my own.

  7. I love this post! I think I did a similar one a while back. For a minute I was beating myself up ABOUT A BLOG trying to "compete" in a space I didn't even want to be in! LOL! But it really is NOT that serious. The very thing that was meant to be an escape was causing me to runaway for the pressure. DO YOU! I follow you on instagram and I LOVE the outfits and crafts and pics of your son :-)

  8. LOL your faces are hyterical! I totally am picking up what you are laying down!

  9. Its funny because I was thinking the same thing... not the black and die part because I didn't get to that mindset until reading this... I was still at the part where I was stressing OVER this BLOG. Being pregnant, I am tired!! Ya heard me. TIRED!! And again, it's just a blog. I glad a click on this post... ITS JUST A BLOG. Yes, I want it to be BIG, successfull and all that STUFF but I tell myself - my time will come. I am pregnant with baby #3 and just the demands of WIFEDOM, MOTHERHOOD, LIFE... are sometimes more than enough! #stayblackandie


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!