
Monday, December 10, 2012

We're NOT Spoiling him for Christmas...

I love the holidays.  There is a warmth and an undercurrent of excitement that comes along with the holiday season every year.  The decorations, classic television specials, decadent food and gatherings with friends and family make the season bright, to coin a phrase.  All this good cheer and joy is amplified exponentially when you have a child that KNOWS Santa is on the way!

Picard is three now.  For the first time, he is looking forward to Christmas with all the vigor and anticipation that only a child can display.  Just knowing that he is waiting to hear the clicking of reindeer hoofs on our roof makes me want to go all out!  I want him to know that mommy and daddy Santa appreciates how sweet and good and wonderful he is.  However, I don't think it requires going in to debt for some toys that he won't be interested in after Christmas Day.

Therefore, there will not be a plethora of gadgets that sing, boxes that squawk and gizmos that ding.  This is what we've come up with:

Books, Puzzles and Thinking Games:  I think it's pretty ridiculous for kids to only have electronic toys.  Toys are meant to feed and cultivate a child's imagination.  That's so important.  Books are essential for pre-literacy and literacy skills so, that's a given for every holiday.  I think this is the best category on the list.

Undies, Clothes and Shoes: Now that I'm a mother, I totally understand those Christmas boxes stuffed full of undies, socks and clothes that Granny or my Aunts would send.  Think about it, Christmas is an opportune time to replace old clothes, shoes and undies because it's the end of the year!  That stuff is bound to be a little worn due to multiple washes and normal kid wear and tear.

Experiences:  My husband has really changed my mentality when it comes to how I live and what kind of life I want to give our child.  He (my hubby) always talks about us investing in experiences rather than "things".  He is so right!  You're more apt to say "I remember when we went to the zoo that Summer" as opposed to "I remember when I got some miscellaneous toy".

"IT" Toys: Now, I'm not a staunch mom that's too set in  her ways and beliefs for there to be any amount of wiggle room.  I think if you can afford it and it's practical that every kiddie needs one "IT" Toy.

So, that's it!  What are you doing for your kiddies this Christmas?


  1. I agree! Santa brings 3 things to each, and stockings are full of "useful" things like toiletries, small candies, oranges and socks!

  2. I agree girl! Wait until you have more. We told our children they can pick 3 things. And so they did!! And of course we may get them more (clothes, socks, shoes) but that is a bounus. Thanks God we can afford to get their 3 items.#gratefulforthat My children know there is no Santa, so...

  3. I love the holidays too! My don is three also,so he is only getting one or two things from Santa this year! I can't wait to see his face!!

  4. Great list, Rochelle! My girls have bookshelves overflowing, but that doesn't stop new books making their way into this home at Christmas. We always have things like dresses, pyjamas, undies, swimwear (Christmas is Summer and we're always in the pool), and beach towels arrive under the tree. Experiences are an amazing present that you can all enjoy together (my eldest wants to go whale watching for her next birthday). And I have been known to give some special toy that the girls really, really want, but I RARELY buy the silly "fad" toys because they clutter up our house and don't get used past the first five minutes! This Christmas I still haven't done my shopping, so I'm stuck, and starting to panic! :-)

  5. Girl...funny I read this today. I'll be posting about my 5 year old's Christmas "struggle" tomorrow! LOL!

  6. I have YET to go shopping but when I do decide to get off my lazy arse and get it done, I know exactly what I'll be getting: educational toys, clothes, and things that they will appreciate throughout the year.


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!