I've been absent from this blog for so long that I wouldn't blame you if you didn't remember anything about me without flipping through a few posts. So, as a way of reintroducing myself to you, I decided to do a 10 things about me post.
Check it.
1. There's no place like home. I love being home surrounded by my favorite things and my favorite people. There is nothing wrong with a good show, a good book, a good project and a good day/night at the crib. You won't find me out trying to rub elbows with the latest celebrities or out pop lock and dropping at the trendiest club. My scene is three sides brick, 3,158 sq ft, raised ranch bliss.
2. I don't eat meat. I eliminated meat from my diet because my digestive system was in full rebellion against all foul, red meat and the like. I am a pescatarian. I eat lots of veggies and seafood. It works for me. I do miss oxtails and hot wings at times...I can't even lie.
3. I write a song everyday. Now, I can't play the piano or guitar so, I create a melody and write lyrics. Singing is like breathing for me. I can't *not* do it. You know those stories about musicians and singers singing/performing in the mirror when they were growing up? Well, that was me. I never pursued music seriously due to self doubt and the doubt of others. I'm going to change that! It's never too late...right?
4. I LOVE my hair but, I don't worship it. I used to have locs down my back. Then, I decided to cut them. Folks have said some pretty fucked up stuff about me cutting my hair. Insinuating that somehow I've diminished or lessened my beauty because I don't have long hair. But, for me, my hair is an accessory. I don't go for #TeamNatural and all that because we were all on the natural team when we arrived here and I don't feel the need to tootsie roll over that. I love that we are loving our natural selves more and I am grateful for the exchange of knowledge but...I'm the antithesis of a natural hair nazi.
5. I love all things creative. Music, fine arts, graphic arts, crafting, and PAPER CRAFTING (check my other blog,
Two Tears in my Bucket). Other artists/designers inspire me. I try to absorb and learn as much as I can. Over time, my interests have evolved but, the one constant is art in some form.
6. I'm just starting to figure out my personal style. Right now, I'm just a beautiful, eclectic, eccentric hodge podge of fashion. Luckily, I have my Good Judy, my Hannah, Neshanta of
Style is She to help coach me. For the most part, I like clothes that feel good and look good. I'm a hipster at heart but, I also love a classic dress and blazer.
7. I love food. I love to cook. I like kitchen gadgets. I don't like to exercise however. This presents a problem. I'm working on it.
8. I am not a Christian. I believe something God-like exists. I'm not necessarily sure what that thing is. I believe in religious freedom. I believe that everyone should be able to believe, worship and live in way that adds value to their life. I think the world could use a little more tolerance and a lot less judgement.
9. I like to speak my truth as much as possible. I wasn't always this way. Therefore, I relish in being honest with everyone around me. Truth is, I'm not comfortable with all my truths but, I'm facing this...I won't run.
10. My husband and my son are my everything. Were it not for them, I would literally, not be a tenth of who I am. They are my beacons of light on my darkest days. They are the glow of happiness that shrouds all my days.
So, there you have it. 10 super personal, super real things about me.