We all know the definition of insanity right? Just as a refresher: "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and again and expecting different results".
This is profound. Entirely and utterly basic. YET...uncomfortable and difficult to execute.
We're creatures of habit. We like our routines. Even when it seems like you have no routine. At times, our routines can be our downfall.
Don't believe me? Just watch...
**Girl meets boy. Boy turns out to be a colossal douche (as opposed to a giant one...big difference). Girl sticks around because she loves him. Boy keeps taking douche baggery to another level. Girl says she's leaving. Boy apologizes. Girl takes him back. Yeah...like I was saying...routine.
Here is another...one of my FAVES!
**Girl is upset because she's overweight. Girl eats an entire pizza with a 2 liter of Diet Coke to make her feel better. Girl sits online looking at all the chicks that she *feels* look better than her. Girl is upset because she's overweight. Girl eats seven tacos, a doughnut and drinks a Sprite Zer0.
Uh huh...second verse, same as the first.
So, I've decided to employ that lovely quote up there to my life. I think realizing what your routines are makes all the difference.
Because...how can you break a cycle that you don't even know your in?
wow! great post!
ReplyDeleteWhew chile! I needed that message this here morning! I need to reassess my life and change up some of the things that have become routine to me because clearly I keep getting the same results in one area in particular. Thanks for sharing.
I have so many routines...it's ridiculous, but you're so right!