
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Body Confidence Week - All My stomachs

I have two stomachs.  Stomach A and Stomach B.  I have two chins.  Chin 1 and Chin 2.  My thighs rub together.  I can't see my vagina (or coo-coo as I affectionately call it) when I look straight down which makes maintenance a pain in the ass.  I have spent countless hours and dollars on my outwardly appearance.  A lot of the time it was because I felt like I NEEDED to look and feel like the "easy breezy" ladies on those commercials.  NOW at 31, I am of the belief that society has dictated how we perceive ourselves to be for far too long. Our culture actively participates in body shaming.  She's too fat to be beautiful, she's pretty for a dark girl, she has "ethnic" features so she can't be Miss America...bull shit!  How many times have you compared yourself against an impossible idea of what is sexy or beautiful?  Though I am a proponent of physical health...I am also an advocate for mental health.  I don't think any of us should live in turmoil or misery simply due to our outward appearances.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  It's cliche but, it's the truth!  I define what is acceptable for my body and my image!

Recently, I discovered that this week is Body Confidence Week (#BodyConfidenceWeek).  What an uplifting and encouraging concept.  This week, start loving the skin that you're in (yet another awesome cliche)!  Love your road map stretch marks!  Embrace your bat wing arms!  Enjoy your handles of love and your double stuffed chin!  Smile big with your crooked teeth and thank the Gods for your thigh fat!  Tomorrow is not a reality for everyone.  So, love yourself today.  Be confident in your skin...right now.

I don't mean to insinuate that I don't care about what I wear and how it fits me.  OR that I don't care about the dark spots of ingrown hairs that have gone on to glory that rest under my chin and on my cheeks.  (10 air hunches for MAC concealer!) I do care about those things.  However, the most important thing about having Body Confidence is loving you even if you aren't shopping in the Junior's department.  It's about loving the you that has blemished skin and coo-coo hairs growing out of your face ( that just me?).

Have unconditional love for yourself - today.  Own your lumps, bumps and curves.  Don't waste time dwelling on what you could be.  When you stop doing that, you may realize that you are EVERYTHING you want to be anyway.



  1. Inspirational post! I follow you via bloglovin and read this post more than twice, so I have to tell you THANKS for writing this for the masses!!

  2. I love this post and your way with words !!

  3. LOVE this post! I agree with you too. We all need to be a little nicer to first ourselves and second our beautiful sista's!

  4. Another awesome post, Rochelle. I wish more people would just love themselves the way they are.

  5. This is very true! You have to love the skin you are in!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!