
Thursday, May 8, 2014

I Accept It All...

When I decided that I would share my mastectomy journey with the world, I don't know what my expectations were.  I'm not certain that I had any expectations.  I just knew that I wanted to share my story in hopes that I would soothe and ease someone's mind.  I wanted mostly to educate, inform and empower women with my story.  I wanted my African American sisters to know how this cancer is more aggressive when it comes to us.  I wanted to be the example, the mouth piece, the very, very vocal spokesperson.

I was so grateful when all the well wishes and prayers started rolling in.  I'm the kind of person that really enjoys helping.  However, I have a really difficult time accepting kindness.  I know that I am worthy of the love and support that I am receiving.  It's just not the easiest thing - letting people do so much for me.

I know most if not all of my supporters are devout Christians.  They tell me that they're praying for me.  That they're standing in the gap for me.  That they're taking me and my family to the alter with them during their worship services.  I cannot express how much I appreciate these prayers.  I consider myself an atheist.  I don't believe in God.  If there is a God, I don't think I believe in the "traditional" sense of what God is.  So, I completely understand when I get those... "I know you're not a believer but...", "You don't have to pray, I'll pray for you...".  It used to really aggravate me until I realized, that they're sharing their faith in order to show me kindness.  I know that folks are expressing their their way.  I WILLINGLY ACCEPT and RESPECT IT ALL!

It may be hard for some to understand how I could live my life with "no faith".  The reality is that I DO have faith.  I have faith in my beautiful family and marvelous friends.  I have faith in mother Earth and the infinite expanse of the universe.  I have faith in mankind.  I know everyone won't agree or like what I feel but, I just wanted to share a little about my mindset and what is getting me through this tough time.

I freely accept all positive energy in the form of prayers, meditations, mentions, shout outs, sisterly talks, brotherly talks, hugs, kisses, art work, songs or WHATEVER!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I'm Rochelle and RoseRedd.  E-mail me at:


  1. You're a champion. . .go forth and be all YOU can be! Still cheering you on over here. . . .

  2. Look at you! You gorgeous woman! :-) And so gracious, too. You are a wonderful and awesome spokesperson. Sending big hugs your way as you continue your journey. xxx

  3. I can accept that too. It's great you've come into acceptance, even in what others believe. Faith is always a powerful thing when you really believe in the concept, no matter what you put it in!

  4. You're so right Marie. Faith is powerful in all its forms!

  5. Gorgeous can definitely spot gorgeous a mile away, Michelle! :) Thank you for all the love and support!

  6. Praying for you RoseRedd! Love Danita!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!