
Monday, October 13, 2014

Forgotten Piece of Life...

On Sunday morning (yesterday), I was laying on the sofa splitting my time between walking my son through an ABCMouse activity and scrolling mindlessly through Instagram postings.  The night before, I visited a friend thinking I was going to abandon my worries in their arms (didn't work out that way).  I actually ate, had a drink, slept, snored and came home late.  Not late enough to have done any rebel rousing and not early enough to have rebel rousing to head into.

Or, so I thought.  I ended up watching a movie with the fam and my husband and I made some music well into the wee hours (actual music...not love.  although that would've been good too. LOL).  So, I did kick up some dust.  I'm telling you this part so, you'll understand just how lazy of a morning it was on Sunday.

Back to the meat of this thing...

I saw a post on "Fatmankey's" IG.  It said that he, IloveMakonnen and Father would be performing at 484 Edgewood(never heard of it)...get this...for FIVE DOLLARS! These dudes were literally the soundtrack to our Summer.  SoundCloud is amazing!  That's how we discovered them. I was so excited that I woke my husband up to show him the post.  I suggested that he go since I had been out the night before.  He said we BOTH needed to go and so...we went.

We showed up, paid, walked in and it was literally, a loft converted into an event space. Upon entry you're greeted by a mural of the Spinx.  When you reach the end of the hallway, you enter into the "living room" which is where the bar, and the DJ were set-up.  Upstairs, there was a loft complete with a bed and bathroom.  That was the smoker's suite.  The show was to take place outside in the courtyard behind the "venue".  We stepped into the secret garden and we looked like the oldest people there!  The Atlanta hipsters were out in full force.  Some of them fresh from the A3C festival that was winding down a block away.  They were clad in funky shirts, acid washed jeans, Vans, Doc Martens and all the things that I remember from the early 90's.  They looked unaffected by each other, us, the music and the scene.

The DJ (outside, in the secret garden) was Key himself!  This dude was DJing and performing simultaneously.  He played all the "A-Town" favorite hits and a mix of today's underground seeking mainstream hits.  Reeling from 20 Grand (a cognac vodka mix), I nodded my head and danced to the beat during every song that was played.  I looked around and realized, actually LOOKING like you enjoy the music must be uncool because so many people just nodded their heads again...unaffected.

Key obviously knows his way around a bottle and a blunt because he was stoned enough to be a rockstar.  He had endless energy but, forgot lyrics, reminded us that he can't sing and that he "gave a fuck about a set" and made references to things that were obviously meant for a select few so, leaving a lay person like me a little confused.  He was still dope though.  However, when Father showed up, (Makonnen was there on time), they performed "Look at Wrist" and every one turned into believers - full of energy and full of LIFE!

THAT's why I wanted to write about this experience.  My life and the lives of those I'm closest to, is so regimented.  We followed the path we were told to follow and now, we miss out on $5 concerts in the city because we've got to go to work the next day.  We have the houses, cars and the kids and the jobs.  We're shackled to our debt because of our "wants".  We have student loans for degrees we don't use...sigh.  Not that our lives suck but, they are very much "in the lines".

Yes, I felt like an outsider but, I got to be included in an experience that tasted like LIFE!  Not the radio edited, pre-packaged, perfectly marketed, award winning version of life.  But, the shit faced, raw emotion, cool as hell version of LIFE where new music and wild abandon are BFFs.

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