
Friday, January 18, 2013

Common Courtesy - Keep the Door Open

Topic for January 18, 2013: Keep The Door Open

The Logic:  When you're entering a business, a home, an airport, a hospital or any other place with door, it's Common Courtesy to hold the door open for the person behind you.  It only takes a fraction of a second to hold the door open and it is almost always appreciated by the recipient.  Think of it as an extension to the "Good Manners Talk" you received in Kindergarten and First Grade.  Say please and thank you, cover your mouth when you sneeze, say excuse me when applicable, say Bless You when someone else sneezes, etc.  Included in the fine print of that talk was "Open the door for the those coming behind you".  Theoretically, you could take this metaphorically and apply it to other areas in life but, for now, we'll stick with the literal.

The Rant: Who are you assholes that walk through doors KNOWING that someone is behind you and just let the door swing, slam or glide in their faces?  What are you doing that is so pressing that you can't stop for a brief moment to hold the door open for a fellow human?!  Oh, and don't get me started on the ladies that think doors are supposed to be opened for them but, they can't return the favor! #GetChoRudeAssLife

The Real:  You never know who you are helping when you take a quick moment to open a door and smile.  It only takes a moment of your time and it saves someone else a little trouble.  You could potentially meet your future spouse, your new employee or a dear friend.  Kindness and courtesy go a long way.  It's free to be courteous and considerate.  Live your life always knowing that what you put out into the universe comes back, whatever you sow so shall you reap and what goes around, comes around.  So, open the door out of kindness and open the door to a little piece of happy in your future.


  1. Totally! What are people thinking when they let the door swing shut behind them? The other side of this is - smile and say thank-you when someone takes the time to hold the door open for you! Two-way courtesy and smiles, lovely!

  2. I agree! I always think it's super rude when you hold the door and the person doesn't even acknowledge you :/.

  3. Girl you spoke the truth. So many people need to read this blog and be ashamed of themselves for not even having some courtesy to do this simple act...especially a man who won't hold a door for a woman (disgrace).


  4. This is so true. I hate when men won't hold door for women that is so rude! They should be ashamed of themselves lol good blog!

  5. Amen honey! Now what I really loathe is opening the door for someone, (which I almost always do when I see elders, strollers, etc. walking closely behind me) and them not even parting their lips to say Thank You. That burns me UP!!!

  6. Yes, Yes, YES! Soooo god damn annoying! Folks need to do better!

  7. So true, unfortunately common courtesy and kindness to your fellow man/woman are attributes hard to find. I teach my sons to be kind and always open the door for a lady or hold open for others. It all starts in the home!

  8. Great post!! I love the hashtag #getchorudeasslife! Yes Gawd!!! That is perfect. #Blmgirls

  9. Girl, more folks need to read this. I can not stand that ish!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!