Today's Topic: Sorority Snobs
Okay. Let me preface this by saying I have nothing against sororities! I think they're great! Great for our culture, great for our communities and great for sisterhood. I'm actually a member of a Business and Professional Sorority (let me be real...I'm NOT financial). I would even like to join a D9 (Divine Nine) sorority at some point.'s the thing...
There are some ladies that make it appear as though being in their sorority somehow makes them a demigod. Yes, your organization is great. Yes, you all do great things BUT...that's not all there is to you! Don't you enjoy television, movies, books, clothes, cooking, sight seeing, traveling, church...SOMETHING! I don't want to have a conversation with you if your sorority is going to end up in 98% of our conversations!
What bothers me the most is the attitude that some ladies have. Don't give me the librarian looking down her nose through her glasses stare because I'm not in your org! This is not sophomore year and we are not on the yard waiting on a probate show to start!
Where is all this coming from? Well, today, I was in the elevator with a lady that asked me if I was a Delta. I politely said no. She told me that I looked like one of her sorors from yester-year (I'm paraphrasing). And again, I politely smiled. She said oh, I know! You're a Zeta huh? I knew I recognized you from the this or that thing (again I'm paraphrasing). I sucked my teeth and replied "wrong again". She said well, I KNOW you're not an AKA! You're not that type and SGRhos don't really exist! Bitch really? Did you just effectively stereotype me while dissing another organization all before breakfast? Get your damn crimson and cream life! Luckily, my floor came up and I exited without a word.
She was a classic example of doing too much on the sorority tip! This lady was doing the MOST!
All I'm saying is be in your sorority but, don't take it so seriously! The outside world isn't as impressed with it as you are. Love your org without beating folks over the head with it!
I totally feel you! Even though, I am member of a D9, I barely talk about it for a number of reasons: 1. I'm not financial and I don't believe in going hard in the paint for letters that I'm not even doing the most important thing for...paying dues. 2. Those letters don't make me. Never have. 3. Because the only letters that REALLY matter in this adult life are the leters BEHIND your name (your degrees...). People take greek life too serious now-a-days and most of them don't even put the work in...SMH!
ReplyDeleteWow! She lucky she didn't get "the paws" put on her! She had no idea whom she was speaking with and it could have had a totally different outcome then you just walking off the elevator. Needless to say, she was way out of line and sounds just plan ignorant!
ReplyDeleteThat's just straight disrespectful... Let me come up there for lunch one day. I would love to see this chic!
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand some folks these days! Ugh!
LOL this woman almost sounds like my BFF mom. You're only somebody if you have a certain degree of education and have pledged her sorority. She describes her sons female friends as educated and uneducated. But all I can say is out of her 3 kids 2 served a great deal of time behind prison bars with and without education so.... I have to agree with you on this blog post. Working among professionals I see it in the women lawyers here all the time. I have no problem breaking you down to being JUST Another person. Good for you on this one....
ReplyDeleteWow! That is crazy!
ReplyDeleteWow this was disrespectful on many levels!!! And I agree people take greek life way too serious! I too would still like to pledge and I was talking to one of my sisters friends that was in the sorority I'm interested in and she gave me some bogus riddle...and I was thinking girl I'm not on the yard in undergrad...chill out with all of that!!! I told my cousin who is in the same sorority and even she was confused!! Some people go WAY to far!!!
ReplyDeleteNooo...I can't believe she said that foolishness. When I read your post on BLM I was out done. Homegirl was bold and silly - bad combination. But "stupid people don't think that they're stupid." Story of their lives. She's forgiven. Andrea @
ReplyDeleteSome people take that greek life seriously and judge you based on your degree or where you pledged. People are so caught up in being so high and mighty that they forget where they come from.
ReplyDeleteHow old was this person? 21 and still hitting the college scene. I can not believe that people still do that stuff. We are all proud of the things that we accomplish. When I want to strict up a conversation with someone that I feel that could be interesting to talk to, I can normally come up with something better. Good Morning, that is a nice outfit or something. Poor lady.
ReplyDeleteI'm a member of a sorority too, and I can't fathom an individual determining a person's worth according to 3 letters. I'm not financially active, and probably will never reactivate with the sorority that I joined as an undergraduate. I was active at some points as a graduate member, but I realized that sorority life isn't me and it was never me. Some people place three letters before a lot of things and get lost in the process. I only say that I'm a member of the sorority I joined if I'm asked. There is so much more to life and as I see my sorors applauding my sorority on facebook as if were the beginning of creation, it confirms to me that it truly isn't that serious. I truly apologize for the ignorance or the pedestal on which various sorors place their sororities. It is the furthermost thing from my mind 98% of the time!
ReplyDeleteI think some people do use those letters to define themselves when instead they should be stepping up to the standards that those letters are supposed to exemplify. I have come across both, and just as much as I hate to see those that are all talk and no service, I love the ones that go hard and do work.
ReplyDeleteYou did the right thing. Some people warrant absolutely no response
I can't stop cracking up! I've had that same experience once or twice!
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why I chose not to join a sorority. For me, it wasn't that serious. I think the service aspect of what they do is great but I'm not for all the other "stuff" that comes along with being associated with colors and letters. You did the right thing. Some people just don't use their filter. I low key wish you would have checked her though. Some people deserve it.
ReplyDeleteNot "get your crimson & cream life"!!! Hilarious! New to your blog and late with this comment, but I am over here cracking up! I know the kind. That lady is the exact reason why I never joined a Soro! Period!