
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gotta Press PAUSE...

I am in the THICK of finishing my degree.  I have tried many times to maintain this blog while going to school, being a mom and doing everything else and I CANNOT.  Instead of being inconsistent and not creating the content that I want to, I'm just going to but this blog on hiatus until I'm done.  So, I'll see you all again in MARCH!  I don't know why it took all this time to realize that this is what I needed to do.  Let me not lie...I was ignoring my intuition and my inner voice!

What makes us feel like we need to do everything?  You could say it's drive, ambition, determination or any one of those things I suppose.  For me, it has been a combination of keeping up with this person that I thought I should be AND chasing my dreams.

HOWEVER, what I have come to realize is, I cannot chase my dreams and strive towards my goals if I don't first get myself in order and accomplish the goal I set long ago which was to FINISH MY DEGREE!  Even though teaching in the traditional sense is no longer one of my dreams, it used to be.  I owe it to Rochelle of the past...and of the future to FOLLOW-THROUGH!

So, even though I'm not fully present in this virtual space, know that I am working my way back here.  I will be whole because I am investing in myself and I will have my cart leisurely strolling behind my horse.

Thank you for showing me love when I have posted here.  Thank you for engaging.  Please stop by my FB Fan Page and hit like.  I do love to share on there everyday as it is waaaay easier than planning and executing a blog post.

Is there something in YOUR life that you need to press pause on so that you can prepare for your next steps?  Tell me about it!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

DIY on a Dime: Painted Mason Jars

I spend many hours pouring over magazines, blog posts and Pinterest soaking in all of the beauty.  Usually, after I'm done, I realize that I can't afford to do half of the things I see in all those places.  I mean, even the DIY/Hack versions are sometimes too pricey for me to tackle.  That's where saving and creativity come in.  I saw these painted Ball Mason Jars on Etsy going for a pretty penny.  I'm not hating on the ladies that make them but, let's just say I gave their prices the old "child please" face when I saw them!  I decided that I could make my own!  Why not right?  

So, here is my DIY recipe for "Painted Mason Jars".

Mason Jar - Any size that you'd prefer
Acrylic craft paint - I used some that I had laying around my studio
Sponge brush - This is optional.  It helps with spreading the paint around

Step one: Assemble your jars and clean them with mild soap and water. Make sure they're dry completely before beginning.

Step two:  Squirt a "generous" (clearly that's a relative term) amount of paint into your jar. Aim for the bottom and the sides.

Step three: Swirl your jar around and let the paint run around in there.  This is where that sponge brush would come in handy.  ESPECIALLY if you're like me and need instant gratification with craft projects.  That brush gets you there quicker. 

Here are some tips that I've learned on this project:
1.  If you use a sponge brush to coat the insides of the jar, you may need to use several layers of paint to get the coverage you want.  The brush kinda thins the paint and leaves stroke marks.
2.  Residual paint will rest in the bottom of the jar and be cracked and ugly.  So, turn the jar upside down on some wax paper to dry.  Then, peel the paper away after the coast is clear.

This project is CRAFTY LEVEL: 1 Beginner/Novice
That means anyone can do this!  I used them as part of my holiday mantle decor and now they're on the mantle next to the coffee filter trees I made.  Cuteness.

Thanks for stopping by and checking this tut out!  

Let me leave you with this:
Never be too broke to try and figure out a work-around.  You never know what you can come up with to improve your life or the lives of those around you.  Don't let money curb your imagination and creativity.  We all have it!  Let your creativity and ingenuity solve problems for you and make you glow!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mothering: Inside Voice

My son is four.  That means many things.  It means he and I struggle with his quest for autonomy.  It means that he is more verbally expressive.  It means that he is doing more independent thinking.  It means that he is becoming more manipulative.  It means that he is becoming an expert boundary pusher.  I find myself grappling with my parenting choices and refining my parenting style as we go.  That's the norm, I know.  However, when your child is having a melt-down because chicken, peas and rice wasn't his ideal meal...logic tends to be replaced with emotion.  For me, that emotion creates more harm in the situation than good.  I am also, with the aid of my husband of course, creating a parenting style that is completely different than what he or I experienced growing up.  So, we're sailing this ship with no compass...except our inner compass (that has to always be re-calibrated).

I talked about "purposeful parenting" in this post.  We really try to parent him with consideration and empathy, patience and creativity.  I am on a journey with my son and my husband that is beautiful and daunting at the same time.

There is a new tool in my parenting arsenal..."Inside Voice".  I know you've heard teachers tell students to use their inside voice - you may have uttered the phrase to your kids.  Well, I'm not using it in it's traditional sense.  I am using MY inside voice.  I find myself yelling at him and becoming extremely animated when correcting his behavior.  It's lunacy really.  It's as though I expect him to have the couth and maturity of an adult.  When he doesn't display the desired behavior, I buck my eyes, clinch my jaw and raise my voice.  I am displaying the very behavior that I am asking him not to.  I remember HATING that as a child.  There were always two standards - one for my mother, and one for me.  So, we spoke and made the decision to not yell at the boy.  Instead, we use our inside voice, look him in the eye and say what we need to say.  It is amazing how quickly these situations are diffused now.  I'm so grateful.  Now, I can THINK before I react to him.  It gives me time to understand his actions.

You know what else I do?  I apologize to him.  Sometimes I'm wrong.  I think that he isn't doing something I ask of him and I send him to the "Quiet Corner" when really he did do what I asked.  When that happens, I hug him and tell him that I apologize.  I want him to know that mommies make mistakes just like you.  I want him to know that he is worthy of my respect and I am worthy of his too.

I will continue to share my parenting revelations with you.  I would really appreciate if you would share yours with me as well.

I would like to leave you with this thought...
Women are powerful.  We are the mothers and the care takers of the Earth.  However, we are often unaware of our power and thus, many of us are rendered impotent.  Let's make an effort to share what we know with one another so that we may help our sisters shine, grow and glow. I will continue to share my knowledge and experiences with you.  Please share with someone else so that we may be strong and powerful together.