
Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm Sooo Glad I Went!

Good morning Rose Heads!  If you're a blogger, you probably belong to any number of blogger groups on Facebook, Google Groups or some other social media network.  While I enjoy reading all the posts, visiting all the blogs and learning from everyone - I shudder at the thought of actually going out and MEETING other bloggers to network and make new friends.

Why?  Ummm...I don't know.  I think maybe my clothes won't be cute enough.  Maybe I won't say the right things.  Maybe my blog is too blah and they will all laugh at me.  Sigh... I know it's dramatic and I'm suffering from some serious blog-esteem issues.  I need to get my life.  I know this.

LUCKILY, I have a super supportive husband who ALWAYS pushes me in the direction of my goals no matter how large or small they are.  I called him in the middle of the day last Friday and said that I wasn't going to the Bloggers Like Me Meet-up for Breast Cancer Awareness at the Wrecking Bar Pub because I was too afraid of not fitting in.  He promptly told me that If I didn't go, that he would be very disappointed in me.  I mean at the very least, it was to support Sisters Network Inc., a foundation focused on advocacy and survivorship.  So, even though I didn't concede while we were on the phone, I ended up changing my mind and going!

I'm so glad I did you guys!

The hostess, Jamillah, was so sweet.  She and I were the only ones there for a while so, we got a chance to chat and learn about each other's blogs, interests, etc.  Come to find out, she's the lady behind ATL Happy Hour!  Who knew?  Not me! LOL!  This lady is a mover and shaker but, she is so humble and so friendly.  The next to arrive was NeShanta of Style is She.  Here's the IS she...for real.  This lady's fashion game is so hot that it made me want to take several naps, have a seat in EVERY seat in the Georgia Dome and click my heels together fifty-eleven times just so I can have a COUPLE of her pieces!  She and I have a lot of things in common too!  Next to arrive was Jarette of FMFashion Mixer!  She was so sweet and she has had such interesting jobs/internships! She's young (Okay I'm 20+10 and she's 6 years younger than that. LOL) but, she knows what she likes has has such a keen idea of what's fashionable and chic.  When I came home and visited her blog, I was so impressed!  She's got a knack for fashion blogging and it definitely shows.  My FAVE post on her blog is this oneI just love her easy, laid back and chic style.  Finally, Bernetta of BernettaStyle.  She is very down to earth and personable!  After the brewery tour, she and I got to talk a little bit more and I really enjoyed the conversation.  She wants to be the female Clark Howard but...I feel like she already IS!  She offered so many suggestions and so many tips!  I was following her blog even before the meet-up and I must say that I always enjoy it!

I'm so glad that I WENT!  The Wrecking Bar had great food.  I had a grilled cheese sandwich with peppers on it and a BIG, BIG, BIG Girl drink called "School Girl Crush".  Jamillah does a much better review of the drink and the food here

We went on a tour of the actual Brewery and it was so amazing to learn how beer is made.  It's a very detailed process you'd be surprised!  I took photos but, honestly you guys, I can't remember what the steps were BUT...I want to show you the cool pics anyway! 

This is where they filter out all the hops and barley that has been "boiled" into the beer.

This is Ian.  He's like the second in command at the Wrecking Bar.  Very knowledgable and friendly!

These are the fermenting tanks.  This is where the beer actually is carbonated and is "ripening". They keep it virtually sterile because if bacteria gets into one of these bad boys, the whole batch goes bad costing thousands of dollars of losses! Which would be a big hell no!

The tanks on the right are where they "stylize" the water to make different tasting beers.  They mimick water from Germany by adding different minerals.  It's amazing.

Bloggers being bloggers!  Listening, tweeting and taking notes!

Everything they make is on tap upstairs in the Pub.

Just a neat sticker they had there.  Realness...on tap.

They had a vintage bottle collection that caught my eye.  This chick is pretty scary.  I feel a project coming on in 5..4..3..2..

They age some of the beer in wood barrels.  Can you believe that?  They introduce a new "wood beer" every month.

This is what hops look like!  Who knew?

I was drooling over this stair case.  This is some beautiful iron work.  Sigh...architecture...

Clearly I enjoyed myself! LOL!  Cheese 5,000!

I'm also going to show you photos of what I got out of the evening...connections with the ladies that were there!  Shout out to NeShanta because I nabbed these pics from her post.  All my pics were from the Brewery tour. Booo...

 Okay, that's me in the black blazer, Bernetta, Jarette, Jamillah and NeShanta.

That's me, Bernetta and Jarette.  Love this pic!


  1. You guys looked like you had fun. I am glad you stepping out!

  2. I don't know what you had to be shy are beautiful! And kudos to you for stepping out of your box and having fun with the BLM Girls!

  3. I L.O.V.E. this post. I am so glad that you got up the nerve to come now I cant imagine a function without you! Your full of charisma and is shows in this blog!

  4. I am so glad you went also..I learned something new just from this post

  5. I am soooo glad you went and had a wonderful time! :-) #TeamBLM

  6. Aww! I can tell you girls had fun! So glad you had your husband to push you. Now you have an entire of network of Bloggers Like You!


  7. Attending a fashion event with other bloggers is very intimidating and trust, you are not the only one thinking those exact same thoughts. My sisters and I have it much easier because there's three of us but I can't imagine going by myself!
    It looks like you all had a really great time. Enjoy your next blogger event, hopefully we'll see you at some of the Atlanta ones. :)

  8. Now that looked like a whole lot of fun! BTW you all we're so fashionable!

  9. I hate I missed this event. WE NEED A RE-DO! LOL
    Glad you all had fun ;)

  10. Awwww how sweet are you sister from another mister. thanks so much. I'm so glad we met. Sniff sniff... I smell a friendship coming. LOL (that was a little corny) Ha


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!