
Friday, October 5, 2012

Mothering Week - Day Five...I Can't KEEP Your Kids...

Hello Rose Heads!  Welcome to Day Five of Mothering Week here at What Rose Redd Said.  The purpose of MOTHERING WEEK is to provide a little insight, guidance and perspective on what it's like to be a modern mother of the 21 century.

Part of being a good mother is knowing when to say NO!  The subject matter today, isn't to be taken literally.  It's figurative.  No, I can't keep your kids... let you borrow something, make something for you, loan you money or do everything in the world just for you.  We have to say no because we need the ENERGY when we have to say yes.  Therefore, it's a necessary, albeit uncomfortable task!

Here is a list of polite ways to tell someone NO:

1.  I'm sorry but, I just can't help you out right now.
2.  Maybe some other time.
3.  Not today.
4.  I'm not up to it today.
5.  I'd love to help but, it's not a good time for me.
6.  My plate is full, I can't take on anymore.
7.  Perhaps you should try_______.
8.  I don't want to make any more commitments that I can't keep.

1 comment:

  1. No I dont want your kids to come over, I will meet you at the park!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!