Hello Rose Heads! I love to write and come up with short stories, poems, songs, etc. Well, a couple of years ago, I decided to write an online soap! I called it: Cravencrest Lately, I've been thinking that I need resurrect that soap RIGHT HERE on What Rose Redd Said!
So, once a week, I will post a new episode! If you miss an episode, don't worry, it'll be posted in "Cravencrest" tab at the top of the blog! So, without further adieu, here is the first episode of Cravencrest!
Our episode begins at Ashlyn’s loft in downtown Cravencrest…
It’s Saturday night, 9:30pm Ashlyn is sitting in the dark in front of a glowing computer screen. She is registering on The Beat of Love match making website. After a failed, 6 month marriage and a string of disappointing boyfriends she’s tired of conventional dating methods and has decided to give online dating a try.
Ashlyn: (She finishes the online registration and pays the $150.00 fee) Alright let’s see what this site has to offer. It had better be worth the gas bill money! HEL-LO Marlon! Lookin’ good! Wait a minute…5’8” with a slightly overweight build? See, this is why they should show more than a headshot…this is deceiving! He can’t be serious. I like ‘em tall, fine and thin as a vine! Then again…maybe I shouldn’t be so shallow. His profile says that he likes eating out at restaurants, cooking and wine tasting. I’ll send him a “love tap” and see what happens.
She continues browsing and receives a love tap from Marlon. She clicks on the message and reads it out loud:
Hello Ashlyn,
I’m glad you tapped me. I see you live in Cravencrest. I just moved here 6 months ago and I hadn’t met anyone so, I decided to give the online thing a try. I’m not into living life in the fast lane, I like to take life as it comes and enjoy every moment. I’m 32 and I’m the Executive Chef at KAMA. I’ve never been married and I don’t have any children. I enjoy good food, good music and good company. No, I don’t live with my mama, yes I own my home and car, I don’t have bad credit and I’m not a womanizing, chauvinistic punk. I think I covered all the bases. Hope you don’t find me too straight forward I just want to get those questions out the way! LOL! I would welcome the chance to get to know you better. - Marlon
Ashlyn: I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. He seems really nice though and Lord knows I need a little nice in my life these days. (She begins drafting a response to Marlon)
Hey Marlon,
I can see you shoot straight from the hip. That’s an admirable quality. Since you started it…no, I don’t live with my mama, yes I own my car and loft, my credit is my business until I know you better and no I’m not a gold digging, narcissistic, sex fiend. Now that the pleasantries have been taken care of… Let me say that I’m glad I tapped you too. I must admit it gives me comfort to know you’re just trying out the online dating because it’s the same situation with me. Let’s see…you said you want to get to know me better huh? Well, I’m 30 and I own “Coifed Hair Gallery”. It’s located a little past where your place is down on Doppler Ave. I don’t have any children. The salon is my baby right now. I have been married once before but it was very short lived. I guess I’m like you in that I don’t want to live my life in the fast lane. I want to relax and enjoy what life has to offer. - Ashlyn
3 months later…
Marlon: (Calling Ashlyn) Hey baby, it’s me. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Remember I made reservations and I don’t want to be late. Tonight is going to be a beautiful night and I can’t wait to share it with you. Love you, see you soon.
Ashlyn: Damn it! Where are my pearl teardrop earrings? Ah, I’m so nervous. I wonder what Marlon needs to tell me. I’m really falling for him and I hope he feels the same. I think he does. Oh, what am I doing? Relax Ash, relax. Everything will be fine. (Marlon knocks at the door) Oh crap! He’s here…forget it I’ll wear my diamond studs. Coming Marlon!
Ashlyn opens the door in a form fitting, off the shoulder red satin dress, 5” red satin pumps and a nervous smile. Marlon stands there for moment with his mouth wide open holding two dozen pink roses in his hands.
Ashlyn: Marlon? Baby, do I look okay?
Marlon: You look amazing. I don’t deserve to have such a goddess on my arm this evening.
Ashlyn: Stop it Marlon! You’re making me blush. Are those for me?
Marlon: Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, I got these for you. But, we’d better hurry; I don’t want to miss our reservation. You ready?
Ashlyn: I’m ready, let’s go.
They pull up to the Blue Bistro. Marlon opens her car door and escorts her to front door of the restaurant where he opens the door again. Ashlyn gives him a coy smile as she looks around at the stunning ambiance of the restaurant.
Marlon: Reservation for two, under the name Jamison…Marlon Jamison.
Concierge: Ah, yes Mr. Jamison. Right this way.
Ashlyn: (In a whispering voice) Marlon this is so nice. It’s lovely in here.
Concierge: Your waiter will be with you momentarily.
Marlon & Ashlyn: Thank you!
Ashlyn: Marlon, I just want you to know that these have been the best three months. I really enjoy the time we spend together and it just keeps getting better and better. I feel like I can be myself around you and let my guard down. You make me feel special and desired. You’re a gentleman and I thank you for respecting my decision to abstain. I couldn’t ask for more. But, enough about my feelings, I’m sorry baby. You said you had something to tell me. Tell me what you had to say.
Marlon: (He takes a big gulp of water) Ash baby, I feel the same way. Our connection is powerful. I never thought I’d find this in a woman. You make me feel alive and free to share everything with you. That’s why I wanted to take you out tonight. I wanted to reveal all of me to you. Ashlyn baby…there is no way to say this so I’ll just say it…I’m bi-sexual. Prior to meeting you I was in a six year relationship with a man.
Ashlyn: (laughing hysterically) You’re what!?! C’mon boy, what did you really want to say?
Marlon looks at Ashlyn and doesn’t smile. She realizes he is serious and quickly stops laughing. She tilts her head slightly to the left and peers into his eyes.
Ashlyn: Normally, I’d tell you where you could go but, I’m starting to see life in a whole new way. Let me ask you this. Do you feel as though you could be with me exclusively? I mean, not seeing any other woman or man…just me?
Marlon: Yes, baby! That’s what I want. All I want is you. I, I love you.
Ashlyn: (She sighs) This is all so much at once. This is going to sound strange but, I know you have a photo of your ex. Maybe if I can see it, this will all become real to me. Right now I feel like I’m in dream.
Marlon: A photo? You want to see a photo? Listen Ash I’m not a freak here to entertain you. I opened myself up to you but, I see no reason why you’d need to see a photo. Ugh! (They both sit in silence) I apologize; I guess I’m angry at myself for still having his picture in my wallet.
He reaches into his jacket pocket and produces the photo, Ashlyn looks at the picture and becomes pale.
Ashlyn: I, I have to go…I can’t stay here. I can’t stay here.
Marlon: Baby, what’s wrong? What is it? YOU ASKED TO SEE IT!
Ashlyn: That’s Dennis, that’s my ex-husband!
Copyright © 2010-2012 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.
So, once a week, I will post a new episode! If you miss an episode, don't worry, it'll be posted in "Cravencrest" tab at the top of the blog! So, without further adieu, here is the first episode of Cravencrest!
Our episode begins at Ashlyn’s loft in downtown Cravencrest…
It’s Saturday night, 9:30pm Ashlyn is sitting in the dark in front of a glowing computer screen. She is registering on The Beat of Love match making website. After a failed, 6 month marriage and a string of disappointing boyfriends she’s tired of conventional dating methods and has decided to give online dating a try.
Ashlyn: (She finishes the online registration and pays the $150.00 fee) Alright let’s see what this site has to offer. It had better be worth the gas bill money! HEL-LO Marlon! Lookin’ good! Wait a minute…5’8” with a slightly overweight build? See, this is why they should show more than a headshot…this is deceiving! He can’t be serious. I like ‘em tall, fine and thin as a vine! Then again…maybe I shouldn’t be so shallow. His profile says that he likes eating out at restaurants, cooking and wine tasting. I’ll send him a “love tap” and see what happens.
She continues browsing and receives a love tap from Marlon. She clicks on the message and reads it out loud:
Hello Ashlyn,
I’m glad you tapped me. I see you live in Cravencrest. I just moved here 6 months ago and I hadn’t met anyone so, I decided to give the online thing a try. I’m not into living life in the fast lane, I like to take life as it comes and enjoy every moment. I’m 32 and I’m the Executive Chef at KAMA. I’ve never been married and I don’t have any children. I enjoy good food, good music and good company. No, I don’t live with my mama, yes I own my home and car, I don’t have bad credit and I’m not a womanizing, chauvinistic punk. I think I covered all the bases. Hope you don’t find me too straight forward I just want to get those questions out the way! LOL! I would welcome the chance to get to know you better. - Marlon
Ashlyn: I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. He seems really nice though and Lord knows I need a little nice in my life these days. (She begins drafting a response to Marlon)
Hey Marlon,
I can see you shoot straight from the hip. That’s an admirable quality. Since you started it…no, I don’t live with my mama, yes I own my car and loft, my credit is my business until I know you better and no I’m not a gold digging, narcissistic, sex fiend. Now that the pleasantries have been taken care of… Let me say that I’m glad I tapped you too. I must admit it gives me comfort to know you’re just trying out the online dating because it’s the same situation with me. Let’s see…you said you want to get to know me better huh? Well, I’m 30 and I own “Coifed Hair Gallery”. It’s located a little past where your place is down on Doppler Ave. I don’t have any children. The salon is my baby right now. I have been married once before but it was very short lived. I guess I’m like you in that I don’t want to live my life in the fast lane. I want to relax and enjoy what life has to offer. - Ashlyn
3 months later…
Marlon: (Calling Ashlyn) Hey baby, it’s me. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Remember I made reservations and I don’t want to be late. Tonight is going to be a beautiful night and I can’t wait to share it with you. Love you, see you soon.
Ashlyn: Damn it! Where are my pearl teardrop earrings? Ah, I’m so nervous. I wonder what Marlon needs to tell me. I’m really falling for him and I hope he feels the same. I think he does. Oh, what am I doing? Relax Ash, relax. Everything will be fine. (Marlon knocks at the door) Oh crap! He’s here…forget it I’ll wear my diamond studs. Coming Marlon!
Ashlyn opens the door in a form fitting, off the shoulder red satin dress, 5” red satin pumps and a nervous smile. Marlon stands there for moment with his mouth wide open holding two dozen pink roses in his hands.
Ashlyn: Marlon? Baby, do I look okay?
Marlon: You look amazing. I don’t deserve to have such a goddess on my arm this evening.
Ashlyn: Stop it Marlon! You’re making me blush. Are those for me?
Marlon: Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, I got these for you. But, we’d better hurry; I don’t want to miss our reservation. You ready?
Ashlyn: I’m ready, let’s go.
They pull up to the Blue Bistro. Marlon opens her car door and escorts her to front door of the restaurant where he opens the door again. Ashlyn gives him a coy smile as she looks around at the stunning ambiance of the restaurant.
Marlon: Reservation for two, under the name Jamison…Marlon Jamison.
Concierge: Ah, yes Mr. Jamison. Right this way.
Ashlyn: (In a whispering voice) Marlon this is so nice. It’s lovely in here.
Concierge: Your waiter will be with you momentarily.
Marlon & Ashlyn: Thank you!
Ashlyn: Marlon, I just want you to know that these have been the best three months. I really enjoy the time we spend together and it just keeps getting better and better. I feel like I can be myself around you and let my guard down. You make me feel special and desired. You’re a gentleman and I thank you for respecting my decision to abstain. I couldn’t ask for more. But, enough about my feelings, I’m sorry baby. You said you had something to tell me. Tell me what you had to say.
Marlon: (He takes a big gulp of water) Ash baby, I feel the same way. Our connection is powerful. I never thought I’d find this in a woman. You make me feel alive and free to share everything with you. That’s why I wanted to take you out tonight. I wanted to reveal all of me to you. Ashlyn baby…there is no way to say this so I’ll just say it…I’m bi-sexual. Prior to meeting you I was in a six year relationship with a man.
Ashlyn: (laughing hysterically) You’re what!?! C’mon boy, what did you really want to say?
Marlon looks at Ashlyn and doesn’t smile. She realizes he is serious and quickly stops laughing. She tilts her head slightly to the left and peers into his eyes.
Ashlyn: Normally, I’d tell you where you could go but, I’m starting to see life in a whole new way. Let me ask you this. Do you feel as though you could be with me exclusively? I mean, not seeing any other woman or man…just me?
Marlon: Yes, baby! That’s what I want. All I want is you. I, I love you.
Ashlyn: (She sighs) This is all so much at once. This is going to sound strange but, I know you have a photo of your ex. Maybe if I can see it, this will all become real to me. Right now I feel like I’m in dream.
Marlon: A photo? You want to see a photo? Listen Ash I’m not a freak here to entertain you. I opened myself up to you but, I see no reason why you’d need to see a photo. Ugh! (They both sit in silence) I apologize; I guess I’m angry at myself for still having his picture in my wallet.
He reaches into his jacket pocket and produces the photo, Ashlyn looks at the picture and becomes pale.
Ashlyn: I, I have to go…I can’t stay here. I can’t stay here.
Marlon: Baby, what’s wrong? What is it? YOU ASKED TO SEE IT!
Ashlyn: That’s Dennis, that’s my ex-husband!
Copyright © 2010-2012 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.
That is such a cool idea!
ReplyDeleteI will remember to come check your story out ;)