
Monday, April 14, 2014

Haters. Haters! Haters?

Do you have haters?  Really?  See, I don't believe I do.  Not in the secretly plotting my demise, perpetual shade casting, seething with disdain, banana in my tailpipe way.  It's totally feasible that I've offended someone with my off-color jokes or that I've shocked someone by saying that I don't believe in God or that I've ruffled some feathers by being a bi-sexual married lady.  Even with all that...I just don't believe that there is this battalion of haters out there thirsting for my blood.  Sure, there may be folks that don't like me.  Sure, they may gossip about me.  But, hell, honestly, there are folks that I don't like and folks I gossip about.  I don't HATE them though!

Here is what I think.  I think folks have embraced this "hater mentality" and taken it too far!  If these haters exist, why glorify them with memes and social media posts?  Don't give them any of your precious energy.  If you choose to believe you have this gang of haters, then, also believe that your happiness, success and peace of mind will upset them so much that they'll have to go and find someone else who is actually affected by their hating schemes.

I am not insinuating that haters don't exist.  I'm just saying they're not as plentiful as popular culture would have you believe.  Furthermore, someone that doesn't agree with you, doesn't like you, doesn't march to the beat of your drum...doesn't HATE you...they just don't agree with or like you.  AND THAT'S OKAY!  It's not cause for songs and memes.

I definitely don't have a PhD...Playa Hatin' Degree.


  1. Well said, Rochelle! Hating takes too much energy, I'm pretty sure most people can't sustain that for long, lol! I'm absolutely certain there are people who don't like me or my opinions much, but I'm also certain that I haven't done anything that would generate enough energy for someone to hate me (except my kids, who tell me "I HATE you!" whenever I say "No"). ;-)

    I was just thinking of you over the week-end. I hope the study is going well and that life is good for you. xxx

  2. Thank you Michelle! I'm glad to be back and everything is everything! :)

  3. I wholeheartedly agree!!!!

  4. I agree! The world is really a reflection of what we have going on inside of us. The ego is tricky in that it sees in others what we don't want to see in ourselves! When we experience a bunch of people judging us, it's because we are judging ourselves; if we experience a bunch of people who *hate* on us, it's because on some level we hate ourselves. And the reverse is true: if we experience amazing, beautiful, radiant women, it's because we are all of that. )Which you are, actually - so I KNOW that is what you experience). Love this post. Although, I would say in the meme "Nobody hates you as much as you hate yourself". It's harsh, but it's true!

  5. Just seeing this post. Love it and I totally agree. People can just not see it your way and that's completely fine. My mom used to say, "Oh she is just jealous of me!" Well she still says that, but as I have gotten older I have had to comment... Mom, I really don't think she is jealous, she might not like you. Everyone doesn't want what you have.

  6. You hit the nail on the head Bernetta! Most of what we "think" someone else is thinking...isn't really the case! And you can MOST DEFINITELY pull off a crop top!

  7. I agree people always talking about supposed haters. I think when you busy you don't have time to focus on all those

  8. Exactly! When you give them energy, that says you don't have enough to do!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!