
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lunch Tables...

Cool table.  Nerd table. Goth kids' table. Weirdo table.  Remember those from high school?  I certainly do.  I remember the first time I shuffled through the lunch line in high school.  I also remember watching my fellow students clamor to their "assigned tables" while I stood there, styrofoam lunch tray in hand trying to figure out where I belonged.  It seemed like kids were saying "Ya can't sit here" like that kid on the bus in Forrest Gump.  Eventually, I think some of my friends and I claimed some lunch room territory thus, easing my anxiety about where I fit in.  However, I never felt "in".  Why am I rehashing my lack of lunch room esteem from freshman year of high school?  Very simple answer.  The "assigned" tables never really go away.

No matter what realm you're in - work, school, online, church, etc.  Those divisions always exist.  Those cliques and groups still have the power to make you feel left out and lonely.  But, the one thing that you have now, that you may not have had back in your freshman year of high school is experience.  You know that the cool kids are one bad hair cut, one failed relationship, one embarrassing body function away from not being cool anymore.  You know that the nerds are passionate about learning and that, that isn't a bad thing.  You also know that you can float between groups and never have to fit into a particular lunch group again!  You DO know all those things right?

When I read posts about the cliques in blog land or the elitist party goers and givers, I think folks are only upset because they don't feel "in".  I've been there...that's really envy talking.  Folks are envious of the lifestyle/experience that the people are having at their lunch table.  My response to those feelings is really simple:  join the table.  Join the table!  Don't wait for an invitation.  You don't have to be OF the group to ENJOY the group.  

It's much easier to complain about being left out, than to break the ice and join in.  Hell, you may even realize, that you want to start your own table...imagine the possibilities!



  1. Well said! There are definitely blog cliques but like you said, start your own. In high school, I was popular but I wasn't apart of any specific clique. I just kinda mingled with everyone and I will say that it's the same as a blog. I am not part of any type of clique, I kinda just roll with who I like and keep it pushing.

  2. Exactly! That's in life period! I think it's important for us all to remember that.


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!