
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

That REAL Body Con...

Ever look at someone and say that they should or shouldn't be wearing something based on how comfortable or uncomfortable they made you feel?  I have done that way more times than I'd care to admit.  She is too big for that dress!  Those shorts make her legs look chunky!  I can see her panties through her tights!  SHE IS TOO BIG FOR A CROP TOP!!!

Yeah, I'm the thick/curvy/plus-size chick that wore a crop top with NO Shame and NO Regrets.  It took me finding out that my mom has breast cancer and respecting her decision to treat it holistically to realize that life is not for waiting.  Life is for doing. The fact that my mother is standing firm in her beliefs is frightening to me but, she is so confidently and gracefully living. It's beautiful and scary all at the same time.

So, I've started the process of living just the way I want to and shedding those shame and fear layers.  I like the girl that I'm discovering!  She's brave and bold and apologetically HERSELF!

Okay, so, this is my favorite pose.  I feel sexy and womanly and golden here.  Thanks to my hubby for the photos.

Here is a little tidbit for you.  I don't actually wear glasses but, I love the way I look in them.  So, I always have some faux glasses on hand!

That black and white necklace says "Give Life".  This necklace means so much to me now.  Give life in smiles, Give life through self-confidence, Give life through being you!

There are few sights that stir my soul like the wisteria covered trees in the Spring time.

I've been Wonder Woman for like...EVER! LOL!  Didn't you know?

Dogwood trees are some of the most beautiful to me.  There is a quiet beauty about them....

Now that I've worn my stomach out, I don't know what my next foray into forbidden fashion choices will be, but, I'm know I'm not afraid.


  1. I have always said this to you. You are beautiful! And these pics prove it very more. You better swerve that crop top. Smooches

  2. You are a great friend and always have been! Thank you for pointing out what I couldn't see!

  3. Honestly, I love your honesty and phrase about living. I feel the same way. I am sorry to hear about your MOM and pray for 100% healing. I want to do a crop top too!! I think I will because of this post.

  4. I don't think I have ever been more proud. I just love and adore you. You are so fearless and inspirational.

  5. I love and adore YOU! I'm so grateful for you and for always encouraging me.

  6. Thank you so much for praying for my mother!

  7. Girl you look amazing! You are werking it. I so love this post bc life is definitely not for waiting!! Time keeps moving and we keep living. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. I pray for strength for both of you and that she will be healed!

  8. There is no time like the present and you look Great. Good to see you here. . . .

  9. hautethriftingmamaApril 15, 2014 at 4:27 PM

    So well written! What you stated about living life and not worry in what other feel or think of u is how I began to live 2 years ago after losing my sister at age 39. U did that!!!

  10. That's right girl, we've got to live it like we'll never get another chance!

  11. Thank you so much for stopping by! And you're right...there is no time like the present!

  12. Thank you so much Cherrie! I appreciate your love and prayers!

  13. Love this post! I don't love that your Mom has cancer, thinking of you and her. xxx (Oh, and your hair looks fabulous!)

  14. Girl you look GREAT! That purple photo is all kinds of "THE BOMB" woooo hooooo! I love it!

  15. So sorry to hear about your mom, hoping for a good recovery! You look great by the way!

  16. OMG. You better do it! love, love, love!

  17. Thank you so much for your kind words!

  18. Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl! Thank you so much!

  19. Thank you Michelle, you're a dear heart!

  20. Whitney 'Nic' JamesApril 16, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    I read this post with the biggest smile on my face. You rock...the end. Love you!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!