
Monday, December 30, 2013

What I learned this year...

As I sit in front of my computer pouring over countless End of the Year reviews, round ups, reflections and recollections, I couldn't help but think about my own experiences this year.  There were absolutely no small moments for me and yet, I've been completely negligent in celebrating them and reveling in them when they were occurring.  I guess that is the nature of man, to want and wish today away....  That's not necessarily the best way to be and I'm going to endeavor to change that.

I digress.

What I learned in 2013:

1. You're never too old to make new friends.

2. A goal with no plan is just an empty wish.

3. I'd rather have experiences than "stuff".

4. Falling in love with yourself is more amazing than falling in love with anyone else.

5. Sex is better when you're in love with yourself.

6. Passion is a gift.

7. The world is full of boundless beauty and it does the heart well to stop and admire it.

8. I am not my hair.

9. It's okay to be wrong and make mistakes.

10. Nothing makes you more than anyone else.

11. Moderation is the key to a happy life.

12. Peace is earned, not promised.

What have you learned?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Impediments to Success

Hey y'all!  Happy Holidays!  I hope you're all well, happy and full of cheer!  I haven't been blogging because of THIS came back! Sigh... Moving on...

I started thinking about my life and why I'm not in the place I'd like to be financially, physically, creatively or professionally.  Initially, I started making excuses for myself.  Well, I made some credit mistakes when I was younger!  I got married young.  I had a baby!  I have PCOS and Fibroids.  I don't have time to work out. I'm earning a degree I don't plan to use.  Blah to the blah and the blah...

After I finished making all those excuses, I realized that they were indeed a bunch of excuses!  People leap over seemingly insurmountable road blocks in life ALL THE TIME!  Why should I be the exception?  I started to look at myself and speak some truths.

1. I PROCRASTINATE!: I don't know if you're the kind of a person that completes tasks and projects well in advance with enough cushion time left to bake a nice pie but, I'm not like that.  I love to make lists and create calendars only to be derailed by the smallest distraction such as a pretty bird or a "profound" fortune cookie message <---- yeah, I'm serious.  Thus, forcing me to complete my project/assignment/goal/task by the skin of my teeth or if it's not life or death - not at all.

2.  I'M LAZY!:  I like being comfortable and if something that I already don't want to do requires me to relinquish some of my comforts, then I don't do it.  Organize my craft studio? Nope...I'm lazy.  Exercise? Fuck No...I'm lazy!  Wash my hair?  Nah...lazy.  You get the point.

3.  I'M ENVIOUS!:  I spend a lot of time coveting things that other folks have.  I spend so much time staring into their lane, that I'm swerving out of my own!  You never know what someone else had to do to earn their income, home, car, blog, maid, chef, personal concierge...etc.  So, ditch the envy in favor of "Becoming Inspired".  Envy is ugly.  Inspiration is unicorn tears mixed with rainbow skittles.

4.  I DON'T RECOGNIZE MY PROGRESS:  Ever meet someone that's hard to compliment?  If you say they're really creative, they say "Thanks girl but, I'm not quite an artist yet" or your compliment someone on their home and they say "Oh thanks but, it's not all that".  Well, that's me.  I feel uncomfortable accepting praise.  I also have a hard time improving upon the positive things I've done because I'm always comparing myself, and looking for personal flaws.

5.  I DON'T LIKE SACRIFICE:  Guess what?  You've got to sacrifice time, money, energy and whatever else to reach your goals some times.  I don't like to do that.  I like instant gratification. Gimmie money, gimmie clothes, gimmie acclaim and notoriety NOW!  Well guess what?  That's not good for managing money and living a financially sound life.  My husband pays the bills - and I'm glad.

So, in the event that you skimmed down to this point, I'm unsuccessful in life because I'm a lazy, envious, procrastinator that can't take a compliment.  This may seem harsh but, I truly think that these are my chief impediments in life.  So, since I know what my vices are, I'm going to start working on them.

Success is in the eye of the beholder.  HOWEVER, I think it's important to know your limitations so that you have a realistic idea of how to reach your goals.

What about you?  Do you know what's holding you back?  Or did you over come your own issues to become successful?  Tell me all about it!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Unplugging is MORE THAN Necessary...

When I arrive  at work, I immediately check my e-mail, log into Facebook, browse through Pinterest or Instagram, read about 10 blog posts, see what my fave retailers are up to, head over to CNN to catch the world news, head over to the to catch local Atlanta news and before I know it, it's 10:30am.

I don't know about you but...that is an ineffective use of my time.  I have become addicted to social media.  When I'm not using my desktop at work, I'm on my phone or tablet, or laptop.  Honestly, most of the time, I am looking at what someone else is doing, revamping what I think I should be doing and creating a whole new list of "wants" in the process.  In order to expand my view, I'm going to have to direct my gaze away from the computer screen!

I am loosing the essence of myself while basking in the essence of others.

I really enjoy being inspired and making connections and learning.  Were it not for social media, I would have missed out on some things (and people) that have added great value to my life.  However, balance is essential - critical even.

I need time for...
*Organic Thoughts
*Unprompted Daydreaming
*Writing in my own hand - not Times New Roman
*Reading real books/magazines with dog-eared pages
*Learning things without tutorials - the old fashioned way through trial and error

I'm no fool!  I'm not going to leave social media all together but, I am going to schedule my social media time!  You don't have to be on social media all day to be informed, engaged or connected to the virtual universe.

(The graphic used in this post is not my own.  I found it on Pinterest but, did not find the artist's name).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Constant Comparisons...

This is a style + story post.  Recently, I was afforded an opportunity to work with some folks that I really respect.  As designers and communicators, they're very effective...and talented.  Now, you'd think that I would take this opportunity to pick their brains and absorb any knowledge they'd be willing to impart.  OH NO!  That would be too much like right!  Instead, I'm obssesing over their skill level vs. mine.  I'm so sick of doing this!  It's draining!

So, today, I'm reminding myself to dead all the negative self speak and continue to learn, grow and thrive!

On to the outfit...

We all have those doubts about what we're doing and whether or not we're worthy know what?  I am!

Life isn't all flowers and berries but, it's beautiful and it makes a way for you to be you!

Yeah, I put a curse word on my photo!  Came up that's all me, stayed true that's all me, cursing a lot that's all me...all me for real!  (thanks Drake).  Seriously, that's the only way that I can move on and be what I want to be.  Forget the fear, fuck the what ifs and keep going.

Rose is Wearing:
Floral Blouse - Thrifted (Value Village)
Jeans - Forever 21+
Boots - Target

Monday, November 4, 2013

RoseRedd's: Holiday Swoon List Kitchen Edition

Every year I create a list of wants for the holidays.  This practice goes all the way back to my childhood.  I include every little materialistic request and indulgence that I feel I was denied during the regular course of the year.  I realize that I am well beyond the allowed age limit to be soliciting things from the old mythological gift giver guy but eh...I'm probably never gonna stop.

Sooooo....this is the first year of the Annual RoseRedd Holiday Swoon List!  I will post a list of my "swoon worthy" holiday wish list items every week from now, until a week before Christmas.  I will also be giving away a prize pack full of SOME of the items from my lists (I did say some...don't get *too* excited!). There will be a laundry list of "to dos" to win the prize pack but, for now...let's just enjoy swoon...shall we?

1.  Ever roll out some dough and it sticks to the rolling pin?  Yeah, I know...ME TOO!  That's why I want this FAB thing from!  It's reasonable and dough won't stick!  Check it out HERE.

2.  Whisks are hard to store and some of them are totally ineffective.  Well, no more!  This whisk folds for storage and helps you make meringues like nobody's business!  Read about it HERE.

3.  The Collapsible Colander is another space saver!  Dear kitchen innovators, thank you for this product!  It's all kinds of genius! See it up close HERE.

4.  Ever want to just scream while you're attempting to press garlic with the side of a butcher knife? that just me?  Well, I hate that!  That's why I must own this beautiful and easy to clean Epicurean Garlic Press!  Get all the deets HERE.

5.  You can NEVER go wrong with Pyrex.  It's a kitchen staple!  I love a good clear mixing bowl...especially if said bowl has a lid!  Sometimes you need to refrigerate what you're mixing and a lid is right on time!  See HERE.

6.  Do you own non-stick cookware?  Me too.  I can't use my lovely stainless steel utensils on it because it scratches it.  THEREFORE, she, me and her all need these amazing Beech Wood Utensils.  Look at them in all their glory HERE.

I love this Etsy shop, Monkey Mind Design!  They have THEEE Best graphic prints and kitsch things!  They also make my FAVE tea towels!  If you would like to win some tea towels do all the stuff on the list below!  

P.S. Tea towels make me feel amazing.  They're pretty much the garnish on the plate of the kitchen!  Get into tea towels...right now!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Four Simple Goals to reach Before 2014

While browsing through Blogland, I came across this post from one of my blog crushes "A Beautiful Mess".  They have a really great idea.  You make a list of four simple goals that you want to accomplish before 2014.  The purpose of this challenge is to create positive, enriching habits during a time of the year when folks are not thinking about goal setting.  Think about it.  By now you've given up on many of your resolutions and a lot of your initial plans for the new year have fallen by the wayside.  So this is an opportunity to end the year the strong way!

Here are the "rules" (directly from A Beautiful Mess):

1. Choose simple goals that will make your life richer and happier on a daily basis. Choose things you may not otherwise get done but are not difficult to accomplish. 
2. Do not choose result oriented goals. Choose activity oriented goals. For example, instead of "lose 10 pounds", choose something like "eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day". Get what I'm saying? Positive actions instead of just the end result! 
3. Choose personal goals you believe will truly make your life richer just by doing them! They can be daily, weekly or one time experiences. 
4. Choose a reward for each goal as it is accomplished! It can be a small or large reward—it's up to you.

Here are my Four Simple Goals: about it?  Wanna goal set with me?  If you do, use hashtag #4SimpleGoals.  Share your experiences here with me and share them on A Beautiful Mess too!

Get your Simple Goal Setting on!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Fall Flavor...

You know what I enjoy?  Fashion.  The only thing that stops me from being sickening fly (extremely well dressed for the lay people), is money.  I do LOVE to thrift and I purchase retail items when they're affordable.  I consider my style eclectic.  I don't like regular rules and I damn sure don't like fashion rules!  So...I wear what I like.  I wear what feels good.  That gets me a lot of sideways looks at my son's daycare.  Don't get me started on the "you're not following the rules" stares I get while traipsing down the halls of corporate America!

I see my style as an ever evolving extension of me an as artist.  I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit! (Shout out to E. Badu for that quote)

Here are some of my ensembles from the month of October. You'll notice a common thread through out all these photos - combat boots and my zebra purse that I use for major family outings.  That purse can carry two foot longs, 3 waters, a make-up bag, hand sanitizer, a change of clothes and a DSLR camera!  The combat boots are so comfortable and I love them!

You'll also notice that one item in each photo is thrifted.  I'm telling you, thrifting is real!  It saves my fashion life!

My trip to Zoo Atlanta with my guys in early October.
Rose is Wearing:
Black and gold studded top - Forever21+
Tribal shorts - Thrifted/Gifted
Combat Boots - Steve Madden

Long Beach Marina during my LOVELY trip to California!
Rose is Wearing:
Stripped BodyCon Dress -
Green Military Jacket - Thrifted
Scarf - Dillards
Combat Boots - Steve Madden

Chillin' during a work day!  Busy on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3...I LOVE that phone!
Rose is Wearing:
Color Blocked/Mock Turtleneck BodyCon Dress -
Houndstooth Blzer - Thrifted
Boots - Gianni Bini

Monday, October 28, 2013

RoseRedd Made It: Chick-Fil-A Inspired Chicken Nuggets

I'm a pescatarian.  So, I don't eat any meat other than seafood.  However, my husband and my son are straight up carnivores!  Well, they don't eat beef but, everything else is game!  So, I make a lot of chicken dishes.  My son really enjoys chicken nuggets.  We don't allow him to eat much fast food but, if he had his choice, he'd opt for Chick-Fil-A.  They have very well seasoned and tender chicken breasts that they serve on seedless buns with two pickles; that's their signature sandwich.  They also serve it on a biscuit for breakfast and chop it up into nuggets that are served with an array of sauces.  Not gonna lie...I miss the hell out of eating chicken from there.

Since my little guy loves their chicken, I decided to recreate it for him here at home.

2 medium sized chicken breasts (chopped into 1in cubes)
1/2 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1 teaspoon of dried garlic flakes (I use Badia brand, it's AMAZE) (garlic powder would work too)
1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour (I'm sure white flour would work just as well)
1 teaspoon of paprika
1/2 teaspoon of freshly cracked black pepper
1/2 cup of frying oil (I use Filippo Berio Extra Light Olive Oil)

1.  After you chop your chicken into 1in cubes, place it in a large mixing bowl with the Hidden Valley Ranch, sea salt, paprika, black pepper and garlic flakes.  Add in the flour as well.  Make sure all the chicken is coated with seasoning and flour.

2.  In a large skillet (preferably cast iron) add frying oil. *I keep the oil to a minimum to reduce calories and fat*  Turn the heat on high. After a couple of minutes, add a little flour into the skillet to see if the oil bubbles. If it bubbles, you're ready to add your chicken, if not, the oil is not hot enough.

3.  Add chicken into skillet.  Let each side fry for about 2 minutes and then flip the pieces over.  Continue to do this until each nugget is firm and completely golden brown.  This process takes about 15 minutes.  Use your discretion.

4.  Remove chicken from the skillet and drain excess oil.  Leave it on  paper towels to drain.

If you try this recipe, share it on your fave social media outlet and use #RoseReddMadeIt.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rose Knows: Purposeful Parenting

Yep, 'cause no other form of discipline has EVER worked right?  WTF!

The way in which we're raising Picard is completely different from the way my mama raised me.  That's okay because she and I are two different people that have had two very different sets of life experiences.  When I realized I was to become a mother, I began recalling my upbringing and deciding which strategies and tactics I would take with me into my own parenting journey.  I was surprised to realize, that I didn't want to use much of what I experienced. I didn't want to continue the tradition (especially in the African American community) of spankings/beatings and I didn't want to let my frustration guide my parenting and yell and react harshly when kids do...well...kid shit.

I guess if I had to put a title on our style of parenting it would be conscious parenting.  I really like to call it "purposeful parenting".

 Disclaimer:  My mother was/is a good mom.  She did what she thought was best and I am forever grateful for the mother that she is. As much as I'm trying to be a good mother, I know that inevitably, my little guy will grow into a man and critique and question the parenting choices that his father and are making.  Though it may sting a little...I'll encourage him to be a purposeful parent and invest time in actually learning how to be the best parent possible.  Part of that is looking at your own experiences.  

I do not allow anyone else's opinion on how children should be raised to impact my decisions for my son.  I don't spank him because I don't believe that hitting my son and acquiring his respect and obedience through fear is the best I can do as a parent.  My thinking is that - since I have been on earth 27 years longer than him, I can most certainly use my intellect and creativity to EARN his respect and obedience.  The notion that your child must respect and obey you simply because they're your child to inaccurate.  Spankings for me as a child, only served to stop me from exhibiting whatever the offending behavior was in front of my mother.  It did not curtail my desire to do whatever it was.  It did not teach me WHY whatever the behavior was - was wrong. You know what DID teach me?  My mother's words.  After I got spankings, I received lengthy talks about the offending behavior.  Spanking = no lesson/Talking and Discussing = lesson  Another thing is, I only got spankings when my mom was angry.  I don't think your frustrations should be physically taken out on a child.

I don't really need to say "to each his own" because that is a given.  I already know I'm in the minority.  However, I'm sharing this because I don't think many of us are "Purposeful Parents".  I think a lot of us just do what we can to take good care of our children.  Folks will go to school and conferences to learn how to become an engineer or how to be a successful blogger and will never pick-up a parenting book or even just take a moment to evaluate how well they're doing as a parent.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes Mr. Picard takes me there and I want to pop him one!  It's definitely not EASY to parent him this way.  It would be much easier for me to hit him.   Yell at him.  Shut him down.  BUT I realize that all of those behaviors would be showing him the antithesis of what I want him to exemplify as a person.  If I give in to some of my urges and spank him, I'm not being a good communicator, I'm not exhibiting self control, creative problem solving and non-violent conflict resolution.

I am an advocate of "Purposeful Parenting". Decide that you're going to be invested in being a parent. Evaluate your parenting every once in a while and make a conscious effort to increase your parenting skills.  It benefits your child, you and your family as a whole.

Do you ever think about how you parent?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

He Upgraded Me...

I met him when I was 20 years old.  I was rehearsing with my band mate and he just so happened to be there.  I remember thinking to myself...self...damn he's fine! His looks weren't the big attraction though.  He was suave, smart, funny, sexy and reserved.  He was complimenting me and speaking to me in ways, I had never experienced before.  He was refreshing.

Of course he didn't look like this 11 years ago but, he has only gotten sexier with age!
  Don't look too close heffa! LOL!

 As time passed, our relationship progressed.  We eventually became husband and wife.  That journey has been indescribable.  However, if I had to describe it I'd say, it's not unlike a long distance flight - some turbulence, some discomfort but, all the while you're floating among the clouds and basking in the beauty of it all.  One of the constant factors in our lives has been that my husband continuously exposes me to new things and educates me about an array of things.  Though I'd like to pretend I've had it all together the entirety of our marriage and courtship, that just isn't the truth.  

So yeah at 24 and 10 days, I wasn't as "together" as I thought.  He helped me get there.

He has exposed me to so much. When I think about who I could have been had I not met him, I shudder. Of course, I didn't always have an appreciation for the ways in which he was educating me.  As a prideful young woman, I didn't want to seem ignorant or handicapped in any area of life.  But, I was...and in some ways, I am.  It feels good to know that he is there to provide insight, balance and another perspective.  Not gonna lie, sometimes if feels overwhelming.  

I should have probably led with the fact that we recently took a trip to California, his home state.  It's so different from what I'm used to.  Georgia is my home.  So, to see the beautiful mountains, gorgeous beaches and sprawling suburbs with endless bicycle lanes and people OUTSIDE walking, biking, jogging and enjoying each other was inspiring.  He had asked earlier in our marriage if I'd be willing to leave Atlanta and of course I replied FUCK NO!  I was vehemently opposed to relocating...which served to narrow my world view.  I'm so grateful that we took that trip.

Okay, Venice Beach blew my mind!  Just another experience he's given me that has me forever changed!

What I'm attempting to articulate is that I am a much more well-rounded person because of my husband.  I'm forever grateful too.  It took many a moon for me to be comfortable with him wanting to be in a teaching/coaching role.  I took it as him wanting to change me or judge me.  It has really served to better me.  He allows me to do the same for him as well.  I don't know that my teaching/coaching him is as impactful for him but, I know that my life is better and it's all because I was able to let go and let him upgrade me.

Do you allow your man to coach/teach you or "upgrade" you?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Body Confidence Week - All My stomachs

I have two stomachs.  Stomach A and Stomach B.  I have two chins.  Chin 1 and Chin 2.  My thighs rub together.  I can't see my vagina (or coo-coo as I affectionately call it) when I look straight down which makes maintenance a pain in the ass.  I have spent countless hours and dollars on my outwardly appearance.  A lot of the time it was because I felt like I NEEDED to look and feel like the "easy breezy" ladies on those commercials.  NOW at 31, I am of the belief that society has dictated how we perceive ourselves to be for far too long. Our culture actively participates in body shaming.  She's too fat to be beautiful, she's pretty for a dark girl, she has "ethnic" features so she can't be Miss America...bull shit!  How many times have you compared yourself against an impossible idea of what is sexy or beautiful?  Though I am a proponent of physical health...I am also an advocate for mental health.  I don't think any of us should live in turmoil or misery simply due to our outward appearances.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  It's cliche but, it's the truth!  I define what is acceptable for my body and my image!

Recently, I discovered that this week is Body Confidence Week (#BodyConfidenceWeek).  What an uplifting and encouraging concept.  This week, start loving the skin that you're in (yet another awesome cliche)!  Love your road map stretch marks!  Embrace your bat wing arms!  Enjoy your handles of love and your double stuffed chin!  Smile big with your crooked teeth and thank the Gods for your thigh fat!  Tomorrow is not a reality for everyone.  So, love yourself today.  Be confident in your skin...right now.

I don't mean to insinuate that I don't care about what I wear and how it fits me.  OR that I don't care about the dark spots of ingrown hairs that have gone on to glory that rest under my chin and on my cheeks.  (10 air hunches for MAC concealer!) I do care about those things.  However, the most important thing about having Body Confidence is loving you even if you aren't shopping in the Junior's department.  It's about loving the you that has blemished skin and coo-coo hairs growing out of your face ( that just me?).

Have unconditional love for yourself - today.  Own your lumps, bumps and curves.  Don't waste time dwelling on what you could be.  When you stop doing that, you may realize that you are EVERYTHING you want to be anyway.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Framed Maps...You Can Do It!

Ever get tired of the run of the mill wall decor that you see in EVERYONE'S home?  I know I do!  It's easy to head out to your local strip mall or discount store and grab something that matches your decorating style.  I'm a creative so, I try and find creative and cost effective solutions for unique wall decor.  That's how I came up with these framed Atlas pages.  I kinda have a "thing" for maps and globes.

Here are my finished products!  Each frame cost $.50 from the Thrift Store.  The Atlas was free and the card stock was about $.25 a page.  So, this whole project $2.25!  Yeah!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dissecting the Details: October

"I'm not an expert on anything but, I know something about almost everything...or I'd like to think so". - Rochelle

Here are some OCTOBER Details: 

Halloween is on Thursday, October 31st this year.  If you decorate your pumpkins artfully, they can double as both Halloween and general Fall decor.  Head to your LSS (local scrapbook store), Hobby Lobby or even Michael's to find chalk board paint ( I LOVE Krylon.  See HERE) and neat appliques (like this iron-on star. Just apply with hot glue) or stickers to add to your pumpkin!  Don't even get me started on bails of hay!  They're cheap and they scream FALL!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every year we see the pink ribbons and we listen to the heart wrenching stories of women and men that have lost their battles with Breast Cancer due to late detection. There is a simple exam that you can do to check your breasts for abnormalities.  The infographic  below is pretty great.  You should have a CANDID conversation with your physician about your family's history with cancer.  Also, you should educate yourself about this disease.  Visit:

October 1st is the first day for open enrollment into the Affordable Care Act.  There is a lot that folks don't understand about this new law.  There is NO REASON to be ignorant about it!  PLEASE go visit:  If you know someone with no internet and they have questions, have them call: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325)

Hope this was helpful and please feel free to dissect more details in the comment section!

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Beauty in Repurposing

The photo above is special to me.  It is a photo of the axle and wheels of an old train car that lives in one of our neighborhood parks.  My husband, son and I visited this park over the Summer and made some great memories.  What is special about this train car is that my son, at this point in his little life is completely enamored with trains.  So, to be able to facilitate any train experience for him is a joy to behold!

Let's take a look at this train car.

It's a beautiful piece of nostalgia.  I actually love this photo.  The colors are vivid yet tempered like a scene out of a technicolor western movie.

Looking back at this photo made me reflect on my life...I'm always reflecting.  I have reinvented myself little by little over the years.  One of the major factors that contributed to me avoiding a major personal overhaul has been fear.  Maybe I'm too old, maybe I can only do what I've been doing...etc.  When I looked at this train car I began to realize that it's not an old relic, no longer useful and incapable of contributing anything of value to the world.  It has been re-purposed.  It is now a catalyst for making little boys dreams come true.  It's a source of inspiration for a 31 year old woman.  It stands as a beautiful reminder of where technology was and where it's going.

We've all heard the countless cliches about growth.  The one that sticks out as the most prominent in my head is: "Things that do not grow - die".  Even though the train car is an inanimate still grew.  Its purpose was redefined.  It was upcycled into something more meaningful than it's intended purpose.

I have dedicated myself to re-purposing.  I wasn't comfortable with what I was and I am working on growing gracefully into what I would like to be.  I'm re-purposing my degree in education - I'll teach folks how to make things.  I'm re-purposing my skills as an Administrative Assistant - I'll use my attention to detail to create the best art I can.

What part of your life do you need to re-purpose.  Who says that you have to be the same way, live the same way, eat the same way, dress the same way?  You can change and grow and thrive and recycle and upcycle - if you want to...

If you share this post on social media, use these hashtags:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Goodness

Thrift stores almost always = awesome.  Awesome vintage finds, awesome furniture finds, awesome clothing get the point. So, I was more than pleased to find this forty year old Reader's Digest Atlas.  This is the kind of reference book that my mom always bought for me.  In the eighties and early to mid nineties the internet was not the go-to place for reference materials.  While having an almost unfathomable amount of information available to you at the click of a mouse is convenient - there is most certainly NOTHING better than holding a book in your hands.

Look at my new gem:

Can you believe this book was only $2.95 at my local GoodWill?  I gasped so loud at the register that I sucked all the air away from the cashier!  I was that surprised!  I promise you I'll treasure this until I die!

This is the first thing thing you see when you open the atlas.  It's an old world style of map that you only see now on television shows from the 14th - 16th centuries.

Beautiful and authoritative type face.  Look at the endless flourishes on the top and the bottom of the text.  Ahhh this Atlas is a tall glass of life!

See, told ya...1963!  Wonderful condition!  Someone's grandmother had this in her study or library.

You know I had to include a photo of my state and my CIT-TAY! A-T-L-A-N-T-A-G-A that's where I stay! LOL!

Do you have any Miscellaneous Goodness to share from the week?