
Monday, December 30, 2013

What I learned this year...

As I sit in front of my computer pouring over countless End of the Year reviews, round ups, reflections and recollections, I couldn't help but think about my own experiences this year.  There were absolutely no small moments for me and yet, I've been completely negligent in celebrating them and reveling in them when they were occurring.  I guess that is the nature of man, to want and wish today away....  That's not necessarily the best way to be and I'm going to endeavor to change that.

I digress.

What I learned in 2013:

1. You're never too old to make new friends.

2. A goal with no plan is just an empty wish.

3. I'd rather have experiences than "stuff".

4. Falling in love with yourself is more amazing than falling in love with anyone else.

5. Sex is better when you're in love with yourself.

6. Passion is a gift.

7. The world is full of boundless beauty and it does the heart well to stop and admire it.

8. I am not my hair.

9. It's okay to be wrong and make mistakes.

10. Nothing makes you more than anyone else.

11. Moderation is the key to a happy life.

12. Peace is earned, not promised.

What have you learned?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Impediments to Success

Hey y'all!  Happy Holidays!  I hope you're all well, happy and full of cheer!  I haven't been blogging because of THIS came back! Sigh... Moving on...

I started thinking about my life and why I'm not in the place I'd like to be financially, physically, creatively or professionally.  Initially, I started making excuses for myself.  Well, I made some credit mistakes when I was younger!  I got married young.  I had a baby!  I have PCOS and Fibroids.  I don't have time to work out. I'm earning a degree I don't plan to use.  Blah to the blah and the blah...

After I finished making all those excuses, I realized that they were indeed a bunch of excuses!  People leap over seemingly insurmountable road blocks in life ALL THE TIME!  Why should I be the exception?  I started to look at myself and speak some truths.

1. I PROCRASTINATE!: I don't know if you're the kind of a person that completes tasks and projects well in advance with enough cushion time left to bake a nice pie but, I'm not like that.  I love to make lists and create calendars only to be derailed by the smallest distraction such as a pretty bird or a "profound" fortune cookie message <---- yeah, I'm serious.  Thus, forcing me to complete my project/assignment/goal/task by the skin of my teeth or if it's not life or death - not at all.

2.  I'M LAZY!:  I like being comfortable and if something that I already don't want to do requires me to relinquish some of my comforts, then I don't do it.  Organize my craft studio? Nope...I'm lazy.  Exercise? Fuck No...I'm lazy!  Wash my hair?  Nah...lazy.  You get the point.

3.  I'M ENVIOUS!:  I spend a lot of time coveting things that other folks have.  I spend so much time staring into their lane, that I'm swerving out of my own!  You never know what someone else had to do to earn their income, home, car, blog, maid, chef, personal concierge...etc.  So, ditch the envy in favor of "Becoming Inspired".  Envy is ugly.  Inspiration is unicorn tears mixed with rainbow skittles.

4.  I DON'T RECOGNIZE MY PROGRESS:  Ever meet someone that's hard to compliment?  If you say they're really creative, they say "Thanks girl but, I'm not quite an artist yet" or your compliment someone on their home and they say "Oh thanks but, it's not all that".  Well, that's me.  I feel uncomfortable accepting praise.  I also have a hard time improving upon the positive things I've done because I'm always comparing myself, and looking for personal flaws.

5.  I DON'T LIKE SACRIFICE:  Guess what?  You've got to sacrifice time, money, energy and whatever else to reach your goals some times.  I don't like to do that.  I like instant gratification. Gimmie money, gimmie clothes, gimmie acclaim and notoriety NOW!  Well guess what?  That's not good for managing money and living a financially sound life.  My husband pays the bills - and I'm glad.

So, in the event that you skimmed down to this point, I'm unsuccessful in life because I'm a lazy, envious, procrastinator that can't take a compliment.  This may seem harsh but, I truly think that these are my chief impediments in life.  So, since I know what my vices are, I'm going to start working on them.

Success is in the eye of the beholder.  HOWEVER, I think it's important to know your limitations so that you have a realistic idea of how to reach your goals.

What about you?  Do you know what's holding you back?  Or did you over come your own issues to become successful?  Tell me all about it!