
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Constant Comparisons...

This is a style + story post.  Recently, I was afforded an opportunity to work with some folks that I really respect.  As designers and communicators, they're very effective...and talented.  Now, you'd think that I would take this opportunity to pick their brains and absorb any knowledge they'd be willing to impart.  OH NO!  That would be too much like right!  Instead, I'm obssesing over their skill level vs. mine.  I'm so sick of doing this!  It's draining!

So, today, I'm reminding myself to dead all the negative self speak and continue to learn, grow and thrive!

On to the outfit...

We all have those doubts about what we're doing and whether or not we're worthy know what?  I am!

Life isn't all flowers and berries but, it's beautiful and it makes a way for you to be you!

Yeah, I put a curse word on my photo!  Came up that's all me, stayed true that's all me, cursing a lot that's all me...all me for real!  (thanks Drake).  Seriously, that's the only way that I can move on and be what I want to be.  Forget the fear, fuck the what ifs and keep going.

Rose is Wearing:
Floral Blouse - Thrifted (Value Village)
Jeans - Forever 21+
Boots - Target


  1. Love this outfit and would kill for the shoes! Pushing through self comparison by acknowledging it and moving forward is a great move! Everyone experiences it. Keep it moving and keep on posting :)

  2. Yes 'F' it girl. I love the whole fit. The belt and the shoes especially!

  3. Love your shoes! Another Blogger (and BLMGirl) were just having this conversation the other day about how hard it is not to compare ourselves to one another. I try to always remember what my Mom says, "Don't Compete. Don't Compare. Don't Complain. What God has for you is for you."

  4. I'm going through the comparison thing right now. Is it bad that I love that you through in a cuss word in there? I also love that your hair matches that belt.

  5. The outfit is super cute on you and yes stay true to yourself Ro! I loved how you added curse words to your photo. That threw me off but I knew where you were coming from. Can't always have cutesty blogger quotes got to be real sometimes! Love!

  6. Thank you KiSheyna! I really appreciate it the love girl. Yeah you can't always have the cute bloggy quotes! Plus, you know I love a good expletive every now and again! LOL!

  7. No, it's not bad that you love the cuss word! LOL! Gotta have a little Rated R in there sometimes! We're going to stop comparing ourselves today! Alright?

  8. Your mom has it right! I'm not going to let my moment of weakness turn into a movement of weakness! #Halleloo

  9. Girl don't you kill for those shoes! They were on clearance at Target for $4.00! Thank you for the support!

  10. That's a Great outfit on You and the + story. Being true to yourself is commendable. I am all about what makes Me feel good, and a little expletive can be an adjective in my book. LOL. I am such a fan of your blog. Have your doubts about what you're doing but remember YOU are Worthy!

  11. Love those boots! I see you! :-) I love this post too - your realness is always so refreshing!


  12. Thank you! I really appreciate you! And yes a little expletive is alright now and again isn't it?

  13. "Comparison is the thief of joy." Someone wise said that it's true. I struggle with it and in the past it was paralyzing. I mean I would have fits and cry and then pray. But something happened back in early September (my personal new year by the way :) that change the game for me....I got crystal clear...crystal clear on who I am - an artist...on what it would take to be great - a LOTTA hard work...and most importantly that everyone, even the GREATS had a beginning where they fumbled, where they were deers in headlights, where they "missed" opportunities, where they doubted their talents....the short of it is YOU ARE ENOUGH....and THERE IS ENOUGH FOR US ALL...stay committed to your craft, stay committed to just being BEAUTIFUL ROCHELLE***hugs and hi5s***

  14. Oh Christa! Everything you write is so eloquent and inspiring! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I'm learning to embrace my purpose. It takes work and I'm SO glad that I'm part of this amazing community that shares in my growth! #Yaaaas

  15. love the outfit - and one of my favorite posts is a reminder to be in competition with myself :)

  16. You could have fooled me! That's s good deal lol :-)

  17. This post give life. You're an inspiration.


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!