
Friday, January 4, 2013

Common Courtesy

Hello Lovely Blossoms!  I'm excited to have you here for my first official post of the New Year!  I want to make a concerted effort to make sure I keep you all coming here. Therefore, I am going to introduce my new weekly features.

Every Friday I would like to cover a manners or etiquette-esque topic.  I think a large part of what is so artificial about people these days is the lack of manners.  I mean, it's a light-weight epidemic.  So, without further delay...

Introducing...Common Courtesy - Weekly feature during which I discuss things that are polite and should be included in your courtesy arsenal.

Topic for January 4, 2012:  Saying "Hello" or as we in the South like to call it..."speaking"

The Logic: In America it is Common Courtesy to greet someone with a Hi, Hello, How do you do or Hey!  This is not an arbitrary exercise reserved for the elite of our society.  This practice is beneficial for all!  Greeting someone when you see them not only opens the door of communication, it gives people the impression that you're well mannered.

Don't be devoid of emotion when you give your greeting.  Give your greeting with genuine sincerity.   You don't know how much power your words have over your life and the lives those around you.  Furthermore, understand that a greeting is required of you upon entering into any edifice, domicile or general area where there are people that you haven't seen or spoken to during the course of the day.

The Rant:I don't know why some of you are so stoic!  Why do you walk around the world with a permanent scowl on your face?  You look like you're constantly smelling something spoiled!  If your life is so broken, so beyond repair that you can't utter even a simple and kind hello, then please remand yourself to the confines of your home.  No one wants to see your ugly mug walking around!  There is no harm in smiling and saying hello!  No one expects you to pour sugar on top of shit and call it cake but, damn!  Even if you're not "feelin' it", you can still fake it 'till you make it.  Sometimes, forcing yourself to smile and interact with the world lightens your melancholy mood.

This rings ESPECIALLY true for minority women (Of course I am not making a grand and sweeping generalization.  Don't surmise I'm saying it's all of us Black women.  I'm not speaking directly to you.  However, a hit dog will holler won't he?).  We already have to fight the ABWS (Angry Black Woman Syndrome) and the feisty Latina stereotypes.  Let's not feed into them by, not understanding how to be generally pleasant!

The Real:  No one likes to be around people that aren't (or at least seem to be) friendly.  You'll go a lot further in your career, in your relationships and in your life if you learn how to properly greet people.  Yes, sometimes it may seem a great and trying burden - but, kindly get over it...and be courteous.


  1. Hahaha.... You betta say that!!!!! Saying: HELLO don't cost a thang!


  2. I agree. I have a NEW girl here in our office. We were walking towards each other and I said, HELLO! She put her head down. I said "HELLLO!!!!!!!!" Then she said, Oh, Hello!! I am like, I know you heard me. SO you would rather NOT speak and but your head down than just say HELLO! So now, she speaks for real when she sees me!

  3. These pictures tho! LOL! What pisses me off is when my kids (because mine are talkative and like to say hi to strangers) speak to grown ass people and they don't say "hi" back! I swear I want to flip theeee "f" out on them! I say things like "It's ok Kay/Kam, some people are just rude and grumpy and don't like to have common courtesy" RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PERSON...then side eye the mess out of them! :-/ Can't wait to see more from this series!

  4. This has to be one of my biggest peeves.. i'm in the Chicago/Indianapolis area and I swear people try to cross the street before just looking you in the eye and saying HELLO.. is it really that difficult .. GEEZ.. but this was funny and 100% applicable to me and my everyday.. Love the blog, pics and wit you have.


  5. LOL! I absolutely love it and the pictures just top it off.

  6. So, so true, Rochelle! I say hello all the time. The other day, I said hello and complimented my neighbour's new picket fence (that he built from scratch), and he didn't respond AT ALL. This guy lives two doors down from me, in a friendly street! I repeated, LOUDLY, "The fence looks great!", and he glanced at me and mumbled "thanks." Argh! Rude! I say hello everywhere I go. Many years ago, I discovered that if I smile and talk to people (which I had to force myself to do, because I am naturally shy), wonderful things happen! :-) Can't wait to see what else you talk about in "common courtesy"!

  7. So true...I used to speak to EVERYONE because I'm from the South but after hearing so much silence now I only speak when spoken to.

  8. I love this Common Courtesy Segment! Its true. People have so many monkeys on their backs, chips on their shoulders, ice in their hearts for whatever reason and think they are going to get by on life acting like that. I am learning even though this world is harsh and cruel I have to keep being a good feels good to be good. It feels bad to be thats my reasoning for stuff. I love this post hunni keep it up!


  9. well said about speaking to others! i guess that truly is a southern thing. i grew up in atlanta, so i definitely know what you're talking about on that one

  10. Love this! If the world thought like you....


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!