
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


How many things are you truly committed to in your life?  Truly committed to?  I asked myself this question when I saw this photo on Pinterest (follow my boards btw). 

The first line hit me soooo damn hard!  "Commit to Success"  It almost sounds like some sort of Les Brown, motivational speaker type jargon.  In a lot of ways it is.  However, that's not the "thing" that motivated me about this photo.  What motivated me was the fact that we all make goals.  Short term goals, long term goals, and stretch goals.  We commit ourselves to accomplishing these goals.  We say "I'm going to lose 10lbs by my birthday!". We say, "Next year I'm going to pay off my credit card debt!".  Many of us accomplish those goals because we have identified the path that we must travel in order to achieve our desired outcome.

However, SUCCESS is different isn't it?  Success isn't just accomplishing one or two goals.  Success is achieving and sustaining that which we desire.  For example, you can be successful in your career.  You could be really great at project management.  So great that your projects start to come in under budget, the clients are happy and your employer is impressed.  HOWEVER...if you can't sustain that momentum, you become UNsuccessful.

My aim with this photo and this post is to illustrate to you that you have to commit yourself to the process and the implementation of success.  You can't simply write a list, check off the tasks and arrive at success.  You must continuously evaluate, assess and work towards your idea of success.  It requires COMMITMENT.  You have to commit yourself to the pursuit of success in order to be truly committed.

So, again I ask...what are you TRULY committed to in your life?

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We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!