
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

WHY Didn't Someone Tell Me?

We all know that life is about trial and error.  Even when friends and family try to warn us about certain life situations we don't always listen.  Why do we do that?  Anyway, there are a few things that I wish SOMEONE would have told me before I really got out into the adult world.  Now that I'm a ripe old 31 (for two more months), and have had many interesting life discoveries, I can say that I really wish I didn't have to learn some of these things on my own!  It's a crazy list of body functions and self esteem items but, I think it's a good list.

1.  Your coo-coo can fart.  Yes, I said it.  I know it's uncouth and not at all lady like but, hey, this is one of those things I wish someone would have told me!  The first time it happened to me, I was beyond embarrassed!

2.  If YOU can smell you, so can OTHERS!  I wish I could say that I've never been smelly but, the reality is that I have.  If there is a feminine odor or a pit odor that is making its way up to your nose, please believe it's making its way to the noses of your nearest neighbors.
2B. Don't Douche!  Douching actually increases some of the bad bacteria in your vagina.  Your vagina really is like a cat in that it cleanses itself (still wash it, I'm just saying don't use douche).

3.  Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.  Everyone has different standards of beauty.  You'll mess your entire mind up trying to become what the "perceived" standard of beauty is.  The man or woman for you, will fawn over how you make their heart go pitter-patter for all those random reasons like the scar under your eye or the freckles on your nose.

4.  No one cares about your accolades.  They only care about the kind of person you are.  You could have been the valedictorian of your high school class, graduated Magna Cum Laude from an ivy league college, posses innumerable cars and homes and no one would genuinely like you if you're an ass hole.

5. They make Nair for your face.  Listen, I have a bit of a beard and I don't want to shave.  So depilatories like Nair and Sally Hansen make life easy.  No need to have a mustache or beard...if you don't want to!

6.  Knowing what you want or at least the pursuit of finding out what you want out of life make the journey smoother.  College, your job, your mama, your friends - none of them can tell you what you want/need from YOUR LIFE!  You have to figure out how to be fulfilled.  You have to find your passion and seek it with all the vigor and tenacity in the world.  You only get one life.  Don't let someone else figure your life out for you!


  1. I am so glad you are back posting on a regular, I miss your honesty and applaud YOU!

  2. Robin Michael RushApril 22, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    Good list -- knowledge and wisdom makes the journey much easier.

  3. BOL I love your honesty in this post - I'm 100% here for it because I can relate to everything on this list. Thank you :)

  4. Love this..great read!

  5. Ariel, I had to do it! LOL! It's amazing how we can all relate to each other.


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!