
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What IF Wednesday...

Hey there Rose Heads!  Ever sit around and think "What if"?  I do.  Constantly.  So much so that it I feel like it hampers my growth as a person.  So, here is my list of POSITIVE "What ifs"...

What if I just stop worrying about this dang scale!  What if I worry about exercising regularly, eating healthy and THINKING healthy... BTW - I haven't been 120 anything since 9th grade.

What if I stop being afraid to meet new people and be myself.  What if I actually networked and made new friends?

What if I STOP explaining to people that I'm finishing an Education Degree that I don't plan on using.  What if I start teaching crafting and use the skills that I've learned from my degree towards developing awesome crafty lesson plans?

What if I stop feeling frustrated because I can't buy all the super cute and fly clothes that I see a lot of ladies wearing.  What if I just take a moment to appreciate the things I actually have?

What are your POSITIVE "What Ifs"?


  1. What if I stop worrying about my future and just let life happen as it suppose to happen...what if I just don't care what people think about me..what if ..what if..what if...I just won a million dollars and didn't have to worry about finances for awhile...I could go on forever Rochelle!!!

  2. I love your pants!! Love 'em. When you stop worrying about WHAT IF.... LIFE happens! Love it!

  3. What if I stop worrying about my finding a job and be patient? What if what I focus on my blog and see where it leads me? What if I stop making excuses and start exercising? What if I stop worrying about making friends and enjoy the people who are in my life already and let the friend thing happen.

  4. What if I stop worrying about making people happy and make myself happy? What if I stop focusing on my bad qualities and focus on my good ones? What if i stop being worried about being as pretty as everyone else and focus on my beauty?

  5. I'm L O V I N G your style!! Shoot I'm glad I found your blog too! My what if's are: What if I just let go of not pleasing others. What if I allow myself to really stop focusing on the can'ts in life and just try!! What if I really try and try and give myself more credit?

  6. What if I stopped texting, tweeting and facebooking and talked live to family members. That's how my day started and what I posted on my blog today -
    Stay blessed!!!

  7. What if I'm jealous that I don't own those pants you have on??!!! I LOVE it!


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!