
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let me show you what a Washington Labor Day looks like...

Hey Rose Heads!  My husband and I have an almost three year old son named Picard.  We named him Picard after Jean Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise from Star Trek Next Generation.  So, it made perfect sense to take him to his first Sci Fi Parade...the Dragon Parade! 


It turns out that there were waaaay too many folks out there.  We couldn't see a thing!  Picard was agitated, I was agitated and Terence was too cool for school (as per his usual).  So, we decided to take a nice leisurely stroll around Atlanta instead...

Oh!  You know you can click on the photos to enlarge them...just sayin'.

You only see Picard and I because Terence was taking all the pictures!  We won't let that happen again.  So, what did you do for Labor Day?


We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!