
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What I Want to Wear: Flowers and Denim and Size 14

Rose Heads!  Hey!  Welcome back to "WRRS"!  Today I want to show you an outfit that I wore for casual Fridays at work last week.  I found this denim Polo shirt at the thrift store in the men's section.  I knew it would be nice belted or even open with some leggings and a tank.  So, I threw it on with this floral body con skirt I got from Forever 21.  The shoes are Jessica Simpson, a Christmas gift from the hubster a couple of years ago.

I recently discovered The Nearsighted Owl.  She is a wonderful blogger and photographer.  She has this linky party that is called "I'm Proud of my Size".  Basically, you link up a blog post of yours that has a photo of you with a graphic on it displaying your size.  You don't have to be +sized either.  It isn't about that.  It's about being proud of who and what you are right now, today.  Not after you've dieted or reached your "ideal weight".

So, right now today...this is me...a 14.

I know the photos are THAT great!  I'm new at this so, you'll have to give me a moment to figure my camera out.

I also found those earrings at the nifty thrifty store!

I wasn't going to include this photo but, this is so REAL!  It's me getting an attitude with my husband/photographer because he's trying to get me to be a thick, loc wearing version of Naomi Campbell.  I'm pretty sure some expletives were being used during this shot! LOL!

Alright y'all that's it for now!  Thanks for stopping by!  Follow me so we can keep in touch!

'Fit Facts:
Denim Polo (brand) - Thrifted
Necklace - Charlotte Russe
Earrings - Thrifted
Floral BodyCon Skirt - Forever 21
Jessica Simpson Sandals - Dillard's (old)

1 comment:

We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!