
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where the Hell is this Blog Going?

Hey Rose Heads.  My son has strep throat.  I have strep throat too.  So, needless to say, we're home today.  I've been visiting several blogs while he watches an unhealthy amount of Diego.  He's sick so, I don't feel bad about the endless kiddie show marathon.

I digress...

I absolutely LOVE to visit all the fashion blogs.  It's inspiring and motivating.  I enjoy DIY and crafting blogs too.  There is nothing like being inspired by all the creativity out there.  Fashion, Decorating, Cooking, Crafting, Sewing...they're all infinitely inspirational.

I started this blog to share my life through fashion, home improvement projects and mother/wife-hood.  Truth be told, I also wanted to push and encourage myself to be more cognizant of how I dress because I want to look like a 30 year old, confident and put together woman instead of a farm hand with fifteen kids.  I knew that if I had to take pictures everyday that I would push myself toward my goal.  So, I have definitely been doing my thing and I'm proud of myself.  I also wanted to start showing how I complete my furniture renos and talk about being a mother and a wife and working full time and going to school and crafting (Two Tears in my Bucket).

BUT...I'm going to have to start doing this MY way instead of comparing myself to other bloggers.

WHY DO WE DO THAT?  Why do we compare?  Why do dissect and examine everyone else's thing before we think about our own?  It's super freakin' insane!

So...first things first...I love fashion but, I'm ballin' on a budget...a tight one.  I'm not going to start spending all this money just so I can be a popular blogger.  I ain't got it like that.  I think it would be much more inspirational to see what I can pull together on a shoestring budget.  Now THAT's something I want to read. 'Cause I could give two damns rubbed together about your Chanel, Gucci, etc...'cause I ain't about to have anything like that in my closet.  Looks good looks good on YOU! LOL! (Remember Bruce Bruce's joke?)

Second, I'm going to start sharing more recipes...hell, I'm always cooking something.  I like to learn how to make simple set recipes that aren't going to take a long time to create because time is one thing I'm short on. Plus, I'm just going to tweak it anyway.  BTW...I hate measuring things.  So, be forewarned that all these recipes are going to include approximations.

Third, I'm going to start showing some step out tutorials for some of my home improvement projects.  Since we moved into our forever home in the beginning of June, I've realized more than ever that money is finite...not infinite.  So, I've been thrifting for furniture and scouring Craigslist.  I've gotten some good pieces that I'm repainting and pseudo reupholstering.  I want to show you how I do this stuff.

That's the way I'm doing it damn it!

Videos are coming too.  Just ordered a new camera and I can't wait to get started with a whole new and fresh look/concept to this blog.


Keep Your Head to the Sky,

1 comment:

We all know what Rose Redd Said's what YOU say that matters!